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Trouble adding shapefile layers to ArcGIS Online

01-31-2024 12:33 PM
New Contributor

Hi community,

Has anyone had problems importing layers in Shapefile format recently? For years I have been able to using Map viewer. Now, it only allows shapefile uploads on Classic map viewer. Can anyone help?


Thank you

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Greetings @Forester1992 

I have just tested this with a simple zipped shapefile (.shp, .dbf, .shx, and .prj) and added it directly to the Map Viewer using Add > Add layer from a file and Dragging and dropping the .zip  file.  It worked without issue.

Is this happening for any zipped Shapefile file you have tried?  

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New Contributor

Thank you for the response Miguel. Yes, I still get the error message with a zipped shape file. It actually doesn't even given shape file as an option for accepted file types. Check out the attached image. Screenshot 2024-02-02 132644.png

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Esri Contributor

Greetings  @Forester1992 

What type account/user are you logged in under?  

From your capture I can see the only formats listed as supported are CSV, GeoJSON, KML, and GeoPackage.

If you are able, please share the zipped file you are trying to upload and publish to ArcGIS Online.


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