Related records don't display in new Map Viewer but do in old Map Viewer

02-07-2022 07:13 AM
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Frequent Contributor

I am trying to figure out why one of my web maps is unable to access the related table. When I open the webmap in the old map viewer, I see the "Show Related Records" at the bottom of the popup, however, when I open the same webmap in the new map viewer this does not exist.

I do have another webmap that contains a layer with a related table and it works just fine with the new map viewer.

I would really like to avoid re-creating the table/layers/relationship...

55 Replies
Regular Contributor

Any luck with this?

Frequent Contributor

No change - still not quite sure how to view related records in the new map viewer ... if it's even possible.

Frequent Contributor

I've heard absolutely nothing.  Maybe I don't have enough Kudos!  This is really something that I believe was a dropped ball and it was a heavy wrecking ball....  

Regular Contributor

Thanks Esri for fixing it in Map Viewer. It's exactly what I wanted. We've had a related comments table that worked in Field Maps but had no way to show it. Now we can and it opens the door to more.... only if this works with Instant Apps, WxB, etc. I assume it does as it lives in the pop-up. Will test this next.

Anyhow, here's what I was hoping for and you delivered:


0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Hi, I believe related record functionality is not yet available in the new map viewer.

If you scroll down to the section "What Map Viewer Should I Use", it indicates the related records functionality is not in the new map viewer. This was on an ESRI road map for early 2022 . . . I would anticipate that it will become available in a future update of ArcGIS Online.

Frequent Contributor

The version of Map Viewer released to Enterprise @ 10.9.1 does not support related records in tables or FCs.  No idea why it is not available at release, but it isn't.  This is functionality that is used all the time and without metrics, I could probably say a majority of customers use relationships in their solutions. A large percent of ESRI solutions have related records or features, so I can't understand why it was not included.  I have to add related Signs (table) to the Feature class Poles (managed by relationship class in feature layers).  Is there any timeframe for getting this functionality added back again?  I have to use the Classic version that is backwards and was looking forward to all of the effort involved in the new Map Viewer, but useless in my case.

Regular Contributor

Any word on this? I've been waiting for the related records support on the new map viewer for quite a while... Most of all our data have 1:M relationships that we use very often.  

Frequent Contributor

I've heard absolutely nothing other than "VIEWING" of related records/features in the Pop-ups may be in the beta for Online.  No idea what that might mean about editing these!  More Kudos!  This is really something that I believe was a huge dropped ball.... Heaven knows if they get it fixed if it will show up in a patch for Enterprise 10.9.1 as we will not be able to go to 11 for a very long time due to the 32 bit application migration impacted by all of our existing attribute rules in attribute assistant/geometric network to Utility network on 4 utilities, etc........It would be nice for a change to get an update that does not remove functionality or fix very long-standing bugs (years or decades).  Oops should not be an excuse and also I hope ESRI does not forget Enterprise 10.9.1!

Occasional Contributor

Hi, was this ever added to the enterprise 10.9.1? I installed all patches and still don't have that option. It is not clear to me if 11.1 has it. It looks great in AGOL new map viewer im hoping for something in that sense in enterprise. thanks!