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Public Maps Gallery template version 1.4  --Opening post

11-22-2011 02:57 PM
New Contributor III

Please reply to this opening post to submit questions and comments about the Public Maps Gallery (PMG) template version 1.4.
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175 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Ok. I'll investigate this and see what I can find. Can you attach the image you're using so I can see what is happening?


Thanks very much.  I'm attaching the image.

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Esri Contributor

Thanks very much.  I'm attaching the image.


Did you put the image in your logo folder? Are you linking to it like this?

pmgConfig.footerLogo = 'graphics/logo/RockvilleLogo.png';

I put it in the logo folder and used that code and it was showing in IE 7 and IE 8. It may just be linked to wrong.

Can you try linking to it like one of these following methods?

pmgConfig.footerLogo = '';

pmgConfig.footerLogo = '/gallery/graphics/yourLogo.png';

Hopefully it's one of those. Otherwise, i'll keep looking into it. 🙂

Thanks for your help with this.
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Occasional Contributor
Did you put the image in your logo folder? Are you linking to it like this?

pmgConfig.footerLogo = 'graphics/logo/RockvilleLogo.png';

I put it in the logo folder and used that code and it was showing in IE 7 and IE 8. It may just be linked to wrong.

Can you try linking to it like one of these following methods?

pmgConfig.footerLogo = '';

pmgConfig.footerLogo = '/gallery/graphics/yourLogo.png';

Hopefully it's one of those. Otherwise, i'll keep looking into it. 🙂

Thanks for your help with this.


Very interesting that it worked for you.  I actually never changed the code because I named my graphic as yourLogo.png.  I sent it to you with Rockville in the name only so you would know what it is.  Anyway, using the /gallery/graphics... path did not help.  I can't use the external URL path yet since I'm working on the configuration on my local desktop machine. 

In case it matters, my OS is Windows 7 64-bit.

Another thing going on with IE, perhaps unrelated, is that the gallery page loads extremely slowly and when I open the error message from the status bar in IE, I get the following:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 6.0; MDDR; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
Timestamp: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 21:51:05 UTC

Message: Access is denied.

Line: 4
Char: 12073
Code: 0
URI: file:///C:/GIS/Web_mapping/LocalGov_Portal/public-maps-gallery-1.4/public-maps-gallery/scripts/plugins/modernizr.min.js

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New Contributor III

Very interesting that it worked for you.  I actually never changed the code because I named my graphic as yourLogo.png.  I sent it to you with Rockville in the name only so you would know what it is.  Anyway, using the /gallery/graphics... path did not help.  I can't use the external URL path yet since I'm working on the configuration on my local desktop machine. 

In case it matters, my OS is Windows 7 64-bit.

Another thing going on with IE, perhaps unrelated, is that the gallery page loads extremely slowly and when I open the error message from the status bar in IE, I get the following:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 6.0; MDDR; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
Timestamp: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 21:51:05 UTC

Message: Access is denied.

Line: 4
Char: 12073
Code: 0
URI: file:///C:/GIS/Web_mapping/LocalGov_Portal/public-maps-gallery-1.4/public-maps-gallery/scripts/plugins/modernizr.min.js


Hi Mark,

Yes, that error only occurs when running the webpage from the local filesystem in IE. It's probably what's causing the PNG image to not display as well.

If you run the file from a web server, IE will not have that error. It's just IE's security not allowing the script to run from the local filesystem.
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Mark,

Yes, that error only occurs when running the webpage from the local filesystem in IE. It's probably what's causing the PNG image to not display as well.

If you run the file from a web server, IE will not have that error. It's just IE's security not allowing the script to run from the local filesystem.

Well, that's pretty annoying.  I'll try it on a web server.

Thanks very much.
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New Contributor
I'm running IE version 8, I have tried the JPG and GIF with no luck.
I have also tried the following in the IE
- Clear temporary internet files
- I have verified that the show pictures option is turn on
- I have check for enabling scripting, ActiveX, cookies and java programs(are on)
- I have enable the Auto select encoding opition and check if is set to correct language.
So, any more ideas,

Thank you, so much

What version of IE are you using?

Some versions of IE don't display PNG files with transparency correctly. If possible can you try making it a GIF? or if it doesn't have transparency can you change it to a JPG?
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Occasional Contributor
I'm running IE version 8, I have tried the JPG and GIF with no luck.
I have also tried the following in the IE
- Clear temporary internet files
- I have verified that the show pictures option is turn on
- I have check for enabling scripting, ActiveX, cookies and java programs(are on)
- I have enable the Auto select encoding opition and check if is set to correct language.
So, any more ideas,

Thank you, so much

My situation is now fixed after moving the files to a web server rather than just running it out of my local workstation directory.  If you're not running your gallery out of a web directory on a web server, e.g., in inetpub/wwwroot, then give that a try.
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New Contributor
I did exactly what you did and I'm also running Windows 7 but 32 bit and of course running it from my local desktop machine. I guess now that I read that we have to run it from web server it just complicates things in my side because to do that I need ITs blessing. I was trying to get the project done so I would be dealing with it at the end.


Very interesting that it worked for you.  I actually never changed the code because I named my graphic as yourLogo.png.  I sent it to you with Rockville in the name only so you would know what it is.  Anyway, using the /gallery/graphics... path did not help.  I can't use the external URL path yet since I'm working on the configuration on my local desktop machine. 

In case it matters, my OS is Windows 7 64-bit.

Another thing going on with IE, perhaps unrelated, is that the gallery page loads extremely slowly and when I open the error message from the status bar in IE, I get the following:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 6.0; MDDR; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
Timestamp: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 21:51:05 UTC

Message: Access is denied.

Line: 4
Char: 12073
Code: 0
URI: file:///C:/GIS/Web_mapping/LocalGov_Portal/public-maps-gallery-1.4/public-maps-gallery/scripts/plugins/modernizr.min.js

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Occasional Contributor
I have two issues to raise regarding the update from the 1.3.1 version of the map gallery template to the 1.4 version.

First, the method of adding a title to the banner has changed.  It used to be a graphic and now it is a text string.  I see how that makes things easier but I have lost my logo and preferred font.  What is the best way to get back to the logo and font I would prefer to have?  Bear in mind I know pretty much nothing about CSS, and I'm guessing that I will need to make some adjustments in that area.  Here are the two versions to see the comparison.

1.3.1 --

1.4   --

Second, when 1.3.1 was released I gave some feedback that it would be good if the legend would respect scale dependencies and only show the legend symbology for the map's current scale.  This appears not to have been done.  What is the status of this?

Example (streetlights map in the gallery):

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New Contributor III
I have two issues to raise regarding the update from the 1.3.1 version of the map gallery template to the 1.4 version.

First, the method of adding a title to the banner has changed.  It used to be a graphic and now it is a text string.  I see how that makes things easier but I have lost my logo and preferred font.  What is the best way to get back to the logo and font I would prefer to have?  Bear in mind I know pretty much nothing about CSS, and I'm guessing that I will need to make some adjustments in that area.  Here are the two versions to see the comparison.

1.3.1 --

1.4   --

Second, when 1.3.1 was released I gave some feedback that it would be good if the legend would respect scale dependencies and only show the legend symbology for the map's current scale.  This appears not to have been done.  What is the status of this?

Example (streetlights map in the gallery):


Hey Marc,

Thanks for the feedback.

1. Yes, we made it a text string to simplify things. You can change the font with CSS but if it's a custom font you're wanting to use, you may have to use a webfont. Otherwise, just changing the value with CSS is fine. It's in global.css line 176.

I'll see if I can do an update where you can either choose text or an image to use as the banner via the config. That would solve this problem. Some people will just choose text because it's easier. We tried to make this version easier for non technical people to set up.

2. There are a couple different ways to render the legend I think. I think it depends on the kind of data and how it's stored. I'll have to look into this more but I'm not sure what I can do.

This map legend does change when zooming in/out so it's something to do with that map.
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