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Is there an up to date open basemap?

2 weeks ago
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Frequent Contributor

We have a number of solutions that currently use the Esri provided OpenStreetMap (OSM) basemaps which we customised using the Vector Tile Editor.  The following blog article by @DeaneKensok explains how Esri are moving to using Overture as the main content for their basemaps:

This is all fine, as improvements to the provided basemaps are always welcome, but it seems that at the moment there isn't an open basemap that is regularly updated.

The OSM basemaps entered mature support in December 2024 and are no longer updated: 'Esri has moved our OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap to mature support as of December 2024, which means it will no longer be updated' [from the above blog article]

However, the Overture-based replacements are all currently in beta and have big warnings on them that they should not be used in production environments: 'Important Note: This item is in beta and is not intended for use in production applications.' [from here:]

It seems the wrong way round to stop updating the OSM basemaps before production versions of the Overture basemaps are available.  Or maybe I've misunderstood?  Some clarification would be very helpful.

1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Thank you for the comment and we understand the situation between mature support OSM maps and Beta Open Basemaps built on the Overture Map Foundation (OMF).  Our OSM data source was the Daylight Distribution which they stopped updating in December 2024. During the Beta period, the maps are subject to changes from both the OMF data schema and the style file JSON. We are working to release the Open Basemaps into production and will post information when they are in general availability. 

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