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Is it possible to have the basemap change when zoomed in closely?

04-28-2023 12:19 PM
Frequent Contributor

Can you set up an ArcGIS Online basemap to switch to an aerial image when zoomed in closely?

7 Replies
Frequent Contributor

If you add the background imagery as a layer from AGOL, the Living Atlas, or if your organization publishes its own imagery layer as a service that you can control the zoom scale this way through the layer's property sheet. 



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Esri Frequent Contributor

The Imagery Transition Basemap (by @AndrewSkinner ) is one of my favs and I've added it to my organization's custom basemap gallery. It transitions as you zoom in to imagery.

Frequent Contributor

This is great, I didn't realize it was a thing. Appreciate the heads up to it.

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Occasional Contributor

This seems like something I would be interested in using as a basemap; however, when I view it as I zoom in I am not seeing aerial at all?

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Esri Frequent Contributor

I see the same thing... Checking into it now...


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Esri Frequent Contributor

Everything should be working normally again, for some unknown reason the background color in the imagery tiles had been switched on, preventing the transition. Fixed now, should work just fine.


Occasional Contributor

Thank you, seems to be working fine on my end now.

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