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Is it possible to have symbology change color in ArcGIS Online after 8 day period?

04-22-2024 05:43 PM
New Contributor


I have a feature layer for my trail cameras that have been deployed and would like the symbology to change color after an 8 day period, is this possible and if so how would i go about it? i have a field for deploy date that has the date the cameras was deployed. I assume it would be an attribute expression on that feature, but my arcade experience is very limited.

appreciate any help,



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return Iif(
  DateDiff(Now(), $feature['deploy_date'], 'days') > 8,
  'Deployed Recently'

Using DateDiff together with Now and the deployment date field, you can get your features categorized the way you want. Arcade can't control the color directly, but you can configure your symbology categories to achieve the effect.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS