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Intersect Point & Polygon Layer - Arcade - Move polygon attribute to point layer.

09-28-2023 02:00 PM
Emerging Contributor

My goal is to add a point to a master address table and reference the polygon taxlot layer to acquire the taxlot number.  The taxlot number from the intersecting polygon taxlot layer would be passed to the master address table field.  I have used arcade to populate fields such as automating latitude/longitude fields and sequentially number ID fields.   I have used every example of intersects I can find but I cannot get this to work. 

var taxlot = Intersects(FeatureSetByName($map, "REDMOND TAXLOTS"), $feature);
var test = taxlot["TAXLOT"];
return test
Test execution error: Execution error - Cannot access value using a key of this type. Verify test data.
Mark C> 
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