I created a relationship class in ArcPRO and shared the the feature class and tables as a web layer in ArcGIS Online.
The relationship class goes as follows:
Main Table is connected to Activity class through a field called PI_ID
The Following tables are connected to Activity class through a field called INT_Doc_ID.
The tables are listed and working the $datastore in the arcade pop-up function.
The Aracade code that I modified to access the activity class is:
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"ActivityClass");
var codigo = $feature["PI_ID"];
var sql = "PI_ID= '" + codigo + "'";
var mantenimientos = Filter(tbl, sql);
var cnt = Count(mantenimientos);
var historia = "";
if (cnt > 0) { historia = cnt + " Record(s):";
for (var mantenimiento in mantenimientos) {
var txt_ActivityNum = Text("Activity Number: " + mantenimiento.ACTIVITY_NUM);
var txt_fecha = txt_ActivityNum + "- Doc Status Date: " + Text(mantenimiento.DOC_STATUS_DATE, '(Y/MM/DD) - ');
var txt_docdes = txt_fecha + "Status: " + mantenimiento.DOC_STATUS_DESC;
historia += TextFormatting.NewLine + txt_docdes; }}
else { historia = "No Records";}
return historia;
The result was successful:
2 Record(s): Activity Number: 80001- Doc Status Date: (2013/11/03) - Status: Expired Activity Number: 80001- Doc Status Date: (2013/11/03) - Status: Expired
Is there a way to modify the code to access the other tables? I attached a diagram of the geodatabase relationship class.
Solved! Go to Solution.
You have several problems in your code:
Try this:
// Write a script to return a value to show in the pop-up.
// For example, get the average of 4 fields:
// Average($feature.SalesQ1, $feature.SalesQ2, $feature.SalesQ3, $feature.SalesQ4)
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"ActivityClass");
var tbl_subjectitem = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "SubjectItem");
var tbl_contact = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Contact");
var codigo = $feature["PI_ID"];
//var sql = "PI_ID= '" + codigo + "'";
// Arcade has a shortcut for constructing SQL queries that will take care of the type-relevant stuff (like apostrophes):
var sql = "PI_ID = @codigo";
var mantenimientos = Filter(tbl, sql);
var cnt = Count(mantenimientos);
var historia = "";
if (cnt > 0) {
historia = cnt + " Record(s):" + TextFormatting.NewLine;
for (var mantenimiento in mantenimientos) {
// from your original post
var txt_ActivityNum = Text("Activity Number: " + mantenimiento.ACTIVITY_NUM);
var txt_fecha = txt_ActivityNum + "- Doc Status Date: " + Text(mantenimiento.DOC_STATUS_DATE, '(Y/MM/DD) - ');
var txt_docdes = txt_fecha + "Status: " + mantenimiento.DOC_STATUS_DESC;
historia += TextFormatting.NewLine + txt_docdes;
// filter tbl_subjectitems
var doc_id = mantenimiento.INT_DOC_ID
var subjectitems = Filter(tbl_subjectitem, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
// define tableresults outside of the loop avoid overwriting it for each subjectitem
var tableresults = ""
for(var si in subjectitems) {
// subjectitems is the filtered dataset. the individual features are called "si".
var txt_SubjectItemDesc = "Subject Item: " + si.subject_item_description;
// append to tableresults
tableresults += TextFormatting.NewLine + txt_SubjectItemDesc;
// do the same for tbl_contacts
var contacts = Filter(tbl_contact, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
for(var c in contacts) {
// ...
// append tableresults (output of the filtered subjectitems & contacts for one mantenemiento) to historia (output of all mantenemientos)
historia += TextFormatting.NewLine + tableresults
else {
historia = "No Records";
return historia;
Sure. Load the related tables at the start of the script. In your loop, get the INT_Doc_ID and filter those tables.
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"ActivityClass");
var tbl_subjectitem = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "SubjectItem");
var tbl_contact = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Contact");
var codigo = $feature["PI_ID"];
//var sql = "PI_ID= '" + codigo + "'";
// Arcade has a shortcut for constructing SQL queries that will take care of the type-relevant stuff (like apostrophes):
var sql = "PI_ID = @codigo";
var mantenimientos = Filter(tbl, sql);
var cnt = Count(mantenimientos);
var historia = "";
if (cnt > 0) {
historia = cnt + " Record(s):";
for (var mantenimiento in mantenimientos) {
// ...
var doc_id = mantenimiento.INT_DOC_ID
var subjectitems = Filter(tbl_subjectitem, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
for(var si in subjectitems) {
// ...
var contacts = Filter(tbl_contact, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
for(var c in contacts) {
// ...
else {
historia = "No Records";
return historia;
Thank you! that brought me much closer but I am still having a little trouble pulling the records. It won't pull anything in (filter(tbl,sql) and I tried Frist(Filter(tbl,sql) and somethign pops up but it repeats the same record. Which I think has something to do with FIRST, but it doesn't work without the First(Filter...etc)
// Write a script to return a value to show in the pop-up.
// For example, get the average of 4 fields:
// Average($feature.SalesQ1, $feature.SalesQ2, $feature.SalesQ3, $feature.SalesQ4)
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"ActivityClass");
var tbl_subjectitem = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "SubjectItem");
var tbl_contact = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Contact");
var codigo = $feature["PI_ID"];
//var sql = "PI_ID= '" + codigo + "'";
// Arcade has a shortcut for constructing SQL queries that will take care of the type-relevant stuff (like apostrophes):
var sql = "PI_ID = @codigo";
var mantenimientos = Filter(tbl, sql);
var cnt = Count(mantenimientos);
var historia = "";
if (cnt > 0) {
historia = cnt + " Record(s):" + TextFormatting.NewLine;
for (var mantenimiento in mantenimientos) {
// ...
var doc_id = mantenimiento.INT_DOC_ID
var subjectitems = FIRST(Filter(tbl_subjectitem, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id"))
for(var si in subjectitems) {
var txt_SubjectItemDesc = Text("Subject Item: " + subjectitems.subject_item_description );
var tableresults = txt_SubjectItemDesc;
tableresults += TextFormatting.NewLine + tableresults;
var contacts = Filter(tbl_contact, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
for(var c in contacts) {
// ...
else {
historia = "No Records";
return historia + tableresults;
I attached the results.
Thank you!
You have several problems in your code:
Try this:
// Write a script to return a value to show in the pop-up.
// For example, get the average of 4 fields:
// Average($feature.SalesQ1, $feature.SalesQ2, $feature.SalesQ3, $feature.SalesQ4)
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"ActivityClass");
var tbl_subjectitem = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "SubjectItem");
var tbl_contact = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Contact");
var codigo = $feature["PI_ID"];
//var sql = "PI_ID= '" + codigo + "'";
// Arcade has a shortcut for constructing SQL queries that will take care of the type-relevant stuff (like apostrophes):
var sql = "PI_ID = @codigo";
var mantenimientos = Filter(tbl, sql);
var cnt = Count(mantenimientos);
var historia = "";
if (cnt > 0) {
historia = cnt + " Record(s):" + TextFormatting.NewLine;
for (var mantenimiento in mantenimientos) {
// from your original post
var txt_ActivityNum = Text("Activity Number: " + mantenimiento.ACTIVITY_NUM);
var txt_fecha = txt_ActivityNum + "- Doc Status Date: " + Text(mantenimiento.DOC_STATUS_DATE, '(Y/MM/DD) - ');
var txt_docdes = txt_fecha + "Status: " + mantenimiento.DOC_STATUS_DESC;
historia += TextFormatting.NewLine + txt_docdes;
// filter tbl_subjectitems
var doc_id = mantenimiento.INT_DOC_ID
var subjectitems = Filter(tbl_subjectitem, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
// define tableresults outside of the loop avoid overwriting it for each subjectitem
var tableresults = ""
for(var si in subjectitems) {
// subjectitems is the filtered dataset. the individual features are called "si".
var txt_SubjectItemDesc = "Subject Item: " + si.subject_item_description;
// append to tableresults
tableresults += TextFormatting.NewLine + txt_SubjectItemDesc;
// do the same for tbl_contacts
var contacts = Filter(tbl_contact, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
for(var c in contacts) {
// ...
// append tableresults (output of the filtered subjectitems & contacts for one mantenemiento) to historia (output of all mantenemientos)
historia += TextFormatting.NewLine + tableresults
else {
historia = "No Records";
return historia;
Hi Johannes,
Would you know if there is a way to pull related records of a related table from FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature...) vs FeaturesetByName($datastore...)?
The way our file was published was through layer files instead of file geodatabase so I wanted to see if there is a way to pull the information from layer files since a datastore option might not be available.
Thank you!
Thank you!
If you have a relationship class connecting the tables, then you can use FeaturesetByRelationshipName, which will give the same result as doing it manually (FeatureSetByName -> Filter).
// get related rows by relationship name
// only if there is a relationship class defined between the tables
var mantenimientos = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature, "RelationShipName")
If you have no relationship classes and can't use $datastore, you have to publish all tables. Then you can use one of the other FeatureSetBy* functions (especially FeatureSetByPortalItem):
Thank you! Your notes were very orgnized and helped me understand how to write it!
I am posting the final script I modified to extract all the info I wanted in case someone wanted to see some options for grouping information.
// Write a script to return a value to show in the pop-up.
// For example, get the average of 4 fields:
// Average($feature.SalesQ1, $feature.SalesQ2, $feature.SalesQ3, $feature.SalesQ4)
// Write a script to return a value to show in the pop-up.
// For example, get the average of 4 fields:
// Average($feature.SalesQ1, $feature.SalesQ2, $feature.SalesQ3, $feature.SalesQ4)
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"ActivityClass");
var tbl_subjectitem = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "SubjectItem");
var tbl_contact = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "Contact");
var PI_ID = $feature["PI_ID"];
//var sql = "PI_ID= '" + PI_ID + "'";
// Arcade has a shortcut for constructing SQL queries that will take care of the type-relevant stuff (like apostrophes):
var sql = "PI_ID = @PI_ID";
var PI_Records = Filter(tbl, sql);
var cnt = Count(PI_Records);
var Record_List = "";
if (cnt > 0) {
Record_List = cnt + " Record(s):" + TextFormatting.NewLine;
for (var PI_Record in PI_Records) {
// from your original post
Var PI_Num = text($feature["pref_id_num"])
var ActivityNum = Text(PI_Record.activity_class_code + PI_Record.ACTIVITY_NUM);
var Doc_Status_Date = "Doc Status Date: " + Text(PI_Record.DOC_STATUS_DATE, 'MM/DD/Y');
var Doc_Status = "Status: " + PI_Record.DOC_STATUS_DESC;
Record_List += TextFormatting.NewLine + "File # " + PI_Num + " - " + ActivityNum + TextFormatting.NewLine + Doc_Status_Date + TextFormatting.NewLine + Doc_Status + TextFormatting.NewLine + TextFormatting.NewLine + "Subject Item(s): ";
// filter tbl_subjectitems
var doc_id = PI_Record.INT_DOC_ID
var subjectitems = Filter(tbl_subjectitem, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
// define tableresults outside of the loop avoid overwriting it for each subjectitem
var tableresults = ""
for(var si in subjectitems) {
// subjectitems is the filtered dataset. the individual features are called "si".
var txt_SubjectItemDesc = si.subject_item_description;
// append to tableresults
tableresults += txt_SubjectItemDesc + TextFormatting.NewLine ;
// do the same for tbl_contacts
var contacts = Filter(tbl_contact, "INT_DOC_ID = @doc_id")
var contactresults = ""
for(var c in contacts) {
// subjectitems is the filtered dataset. the individual features are called "si".
var PM = c.int_doc_id1;
var null_PM = IIF(PM == "null", 'No Data', IIF(PM == 0, 'No Data', PM))
var PE = c.int_doc_id1;
var null_PE = IIF(PE == "null", 'No Data', IIF(PE == 0, 'No Data', PE))
var Applicant = c.int_doc_id1_1;
var null_Applicant = IIF(Applicant == "null", 'No Data', IIF(PM == 0, 'No Data', Applicant))
var Agent = c.int_doc_id1_12;
var null_Agent = IIF(Agent == "null", 'No Data', IIF(PM == 0, 'No Data', Agent))
// append to tableresults
contactresults += TextFormatting.NewLine + "Project Manager: " + null_PM + TextFormatting.NewLine + "Project Engineer: " + null_PE + TextFormatting.NewLine + "Applicant: " + null_Applicant + TextFormatting.NewLine + "Agent: " + null_Agent ;
// append tableresults (output of the filtered subjectitems & contacts for one mantenemiento) to historia (output of all mantenemientos)
Record_List += TextFormatting.NewLine + tableresults + TextFormatting.NewLine + "Contact Information: " + contactresults + TextFormatting.NewLine
else {
Record_List = "No Records";
return Record_List;