I need to create an indicator in Dashboard that displays the number of remaining days between a start date and the end date, that also excludes weekends and holidays in the calculation.
I saw this script
var remaindays = DateDiff($feature.endDate, Today(), 'days');
return when (days>30, "on schedule",
days>=0, "nearly due",
but I am struggling to find a way to add the exclusion. I believe that somehow I will need to add +1 or +2 whether there are a Saturday and/or a Sunday in between the 2 dates, and a list of holidays, into the script.
Any help will be greatly appreciated 🙂
Here's a similar post I wrote to remove weekends and holidays from a date span. Not exactly the same problem, but it's an idea.
For your particular question, we're just trying to calculate how many workdays are between today and the end date, minus holidays and weekends. The weekends are easy enough.
// start and end dates
var edate = Date(2023, 10, 1)
var sdate = Now()
Console(sdate, 'to', edate)
// get total days between the two
var full_days = Ceil(DateDiff(edate, sdate, 'days'))
Console(full_days, 'full count of day span')
// get partial week gap
// positive value means we completed the week and have extra
// negative value means we didn't complete the week
var partial_gap = Weekday(edate) - Weekday(sdate)
Console(partial_gap, 'partial week days')
var weeks = Iif(
partial_gap >= 0,
(full_days - partial_gap) / 7,
((full_days - partial_gap) / 7) - 1
Console(weeks, 'weeks')
var workdays = full_days - (weeks * 2)
Console(workdays, 'workdays')
// handling the partial week, looking for other weekends
var extra_days = (7 + partial_gap) % 7
// if weekday = 0 or 6, it's a weekend
// adding the extra day value to our weekday means 6 == 1 more weekend, 7+ == 2 more
workdays = When(
Weekday(sdate) + extra_days == 6, workdays - 1,
Weekday(sdate) + extra_days > 6, workdays -2,
return workdays
You can see that other post for ideas about handling holidays, but this should get you a count of non-weekend days between two dates.
Thank you Josh, I will give it a try.
If someone comes across this and needs a python solution.
import numpy as np
from datetime import date
d1 = date(2023, 1, 1)
d2 = date(2023, 12, 31)
days = np.busday_count(d1,d2, holidays = ["2023-01-01", "2023-07-01", "2023-12-24"])
You can produce a regions specific or user specific "holidays" list
Further info
Dates in NumPy — NumPy v2.0.dev0 Manual
There are other functions that may eventually make it to Arcade over time
Good to know, thanks Dan.