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How have Orgs worked around related tables and Map Viewer and using Enterprise 10.x?

12-12-2023 12:00 PM
Regular Contributor


I'm curious how (if at all) Orgs on 10.x version of Enterprise are using related tables in Map Viewer. 

We are on 10.9.1 with a standalone server and likely will not be making the move to 11.x anytime soon. We were very surprised to find out it appears Esri has no intention to make related tables useable for anything other than a hosted feature layer until 11.2.  

We would like to be able to use some of the new Map Viewer features, but being able to edit and create related records in the field is imperative to our workflows.  Has anyone been able to successfully find a way around this?  

Thank you!

3 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Which map viewer are you referring to? The Classic Map Viewer or the New Map Viewer?

The Classic Map Viewer still supports related tables, even though they broke critical functionality of it at 10.9.1 (BUG-000152181). First reported over a year ago and still no fix by Esri..... 😞

The New Map Viewer (in Enterprise) does not support related tables yet (which I'm not sure why its missing such basic functionality). The New Map Viewer in AGOL does support related records.

So to answer your question, the only workaround is to just not use the New Map Viewer. And then when Esri breaks functionality of the Classic Map Viewer with no bug fix, we just workaround that by changing the data types in our relationship class.

We would love to move to the New Map Viewer as well, but without feature parity with the Classic Map Viewer, it's just a non-starter for us.

Regular Contributor

Thanks for your replay, I am talking about the new map viewer.  The new map viewer in AGOL now supports related tables for hosted feature layers & forms:  and from what I read, it sounds like you will have to update to 11.2 to get access to this using services from an ArcGIS Server.  We have discussed moving some our layers to hosted feature layers, but it really doesn't make sense to do so.  We do not currently use Portal.

It doesn't seem like there is a way around this, but was interested to see if anyone has found some sort of convoluted workflow to do this.

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MVP Regular Contributor

There are a couple other things to look into.

The first is Experience Builder. Starting in 11.2, Experience Builder supports related tables (even though the map viewer doesn't which doesn't really make sense). So Experience Builder in AGOL might support it too. It's certainly not ideal to take it to another level and create Experience Builder maps when it's not necessary, but it might be a possibility and a workaround.

The other thing to look into is using Arcade to display related records.

I feel like we shouldn't have to go to these great lengths just to get related table access in the New Map Viewer, but those are the only workarounds I know of right off that might work.

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