I have a Damage Assessment feature layer hosted on AGOL with a web map. 50k points. Along with Domain controlled fields are Estimated % of Damage, Estimated $ Amt of Damage and a prepopulated Dwelling Value field. Field type is Double on these 3 fields. I need to either
1. Calc (Est $ Damage = DwellingVal * Est % Damage) on the fly as the user enters data for each point.
2. Create a URL to Calc (Est $ Damage = DwellingVal * Est % Damage) where (Est % Damage is >0). AGOL times out calc-ing the 50k records so I think the Where clause is necessary to only capture the 500 or 5000 that are damaged.
3. I'm open to ANY suggestion! Thanks. Allan
I can't get the REST API grid to work. The error says that the calcexpression is invalid:
Where: PercentDamage > 0
"calcExpression":[{"field" : "EstDollarDamage", "sqlExpression" : "DwellingVal*PercentDamage*.01"}]
http://services5.arcgis.com/cA4ofagPaJJ7qhEz/arcgis/rest/services/DamageAssessment_O_only/FeatureSer... > 10 2”,calcExpression={“field”: “EstDollarDamage”,“sqlexpression” : "DwellingVal*PercentDamage*.01"})
Did you ever get this figured out? I have the same question.
I called Tech Support a couple months later and luckily talked to the most helpful guy who wrote this py script in a couple hours. I don't think ESRI "gives" this kind of help anymore. I can't put my hands on the token documentation. I put this script in a sched task and it runs every 5 mins during storm damage assessment. Good Luck. Allan