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How can I address error 00236 - I am using the supported elevation settings, and am still getting this error, so I can't publish online and am at dead end.

02-08-2019 12:45 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have spent a full day messing around with this to try to create a tool for planning purposes.  I am continuing to get errors on my layers "unsupported elevation setting" even though both are set to on ground, which is supported when I looked into error 00236 fixes.

Also, it is apparently impossible to overwrite a 3D scene, so the number of times I've retyped metadata to the point where i gave up is mind numbing.  

If anyone has best practices workflow on how to get 3D simple shapes into a web app, please advice.  I also tried a work around by publishing 3D from 2D as a weblayer, which didn't work.  I can't share a weblayer from pro arc scene, so I'm not really clear on whether to bother trying to utilize 3D shapefiles from arcmap pro in an online environment - or if I should be publishing 2D with Z values and then using something online to build those up into basic shapes.

3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share your project with me and I can take a look at what might be causing the publishing to fail. You can invite russell_jsapi to a group and share the project there so you do not have to share it publicly.

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Occasional Contributor

I have the same issue: 00236: Layer uses an unsupported elevation setting.  Were you able to resolve the issue?


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New Contributor

Same thing was happening to me and I found this. I wanted On the Ground but I guess it isn't supported at 2.9 

  • 3D Multipatch layer shared as a web scene layer
    • At an absolute height using Geometry z-values.
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