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Hosted Feature Layer Editability No Honored

10-05-2023 02:06 PM
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Frequent Contributor

I do not know if I found a bug within AGO

or if this is just the way it is because of the account type being used, but I have a hosted feature layer that the "What kind of editing is allowed?" is set to "Update -> Attributes only".  In the web map the edit widget still lets me draw new features and edit existing geometry.  I am the administrator, but to me that should not matter.  I would think the intent by checking those boxes would be that no one is able to manipulate the geometry, unless the administrator checks a different box.

See images:  Updates is checked with Attributes only.  I can still clearly update and manipulate features' geometry.

Am I do something wrong?  Is this setting for only non-administrators?

Should Not Be Editable.png

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Emerging Contributor


i have the same problem. Is there already a solution for this ? 

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