I am getting an error "There was an error while adding this item" while trying to create a hosted data layer. I referred to this article that refers to this exact error, however I have an organizational account and I am the administrator for my organization, so neither solution works.
I have tried to publish a zipped geodatabase and a zipped shapefile, I have also tried publishing a webmap through Pro, but nothing seems to work. It publishes the service definition, but not the layer.
I have plenty of credits too, so I'm not sure if I am missing a setting somewhere. I am more used to Portal over AGOL.
Hey @Jdstarr331, I tried publishing one and was able to do so with no errors.
Nope I am not able to publish either one. if I publish via ArcPro, it publishes the service definition, but no actual layer. If I add a ZIP file of either a shape file or gdb by uploading it, it also only publishes the service definition, but no layer. If I try and create a brand new one, I still get the error. I have tried in Chrome and Edge, no dice. I havent tried the tool in ArcPro, but even when I create a brand new layer, I still get the error. The only way I was able to get data to the map on AGOL was convert it to a KMZ, then upload it. But then It is not hosted and I cannot make any changes or editing.
I have a feeling its a setting somewhere but I cannot find it anywhere
Thanks for providing some more context, @Jdstarr331 . That's odd. If the data checks out after running the tool, are you able to create a feature layer using a template?
To be clear:
I literally just got the site set up a week or so ago, so no I have never published a hosted layer to my organization mage. The error message that i am getting in the browser is the one that is in the picture in my original post. When I try and publish via ArcPro, I get an error with an option to see the log file. When looking at the log file, it says there is a service definition created, but then failed when trying to create the layer
Oh, okay. If you've tried clearing your browser cache and all that fun stuff, it may be helpful to contact Support Services to have them investigate and take a closer look at what's going on.
I think I have a similar problem to yours. We're trying to resolve it with SupportServices, it take little more time than we expect.
When I try to add some layers to AGOL , portal returns error "There was an error while adding this item".
Thank You for cue, with kmz/kml layers, it's always some alternatvie solution but not useful for longer time.
If You could prompt me how You remedy this problem I would be grateful.
In this way, or mayby to my email: lukaszwarzocha@gmail.com