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Forms not fitting to screen since latest Map Viewer update

04-02-2022 11:12 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hoping there might be other users that can answer this for me.

Since the latest Map Viewer update when I go into Forms sometimes the Properties menu is off the page. I've tried it out on my laptop and on my desktop. Before the update, it used to auto-size/fit the screen when I was on laptop or desktop.

This is a screenshot from desktop. I can see the full width of the Properties now, but I can see the start of the form now. I can't find a scroll bar at the bottom to see the left hand side of the page either. I might have missed something here though.


In this screenshot, I can see the entire form (because I haven't clicked on the Properties section yet), but not all of the properties. I can't find a scroll bar to scroll right either, but ideally, it would automatically re-size to fit the screen.


Has anyone else had this issue, found any work around, or maybe I've missed something here?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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