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Exported Selected Data Error

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05-21-2022 08:49 PM
Emerging Contributor

Novice GIS user. My apologies in advance for not using the right nomenclature. 

I am having issues with exporting selected data

Using Chelan County GIS 2 dataset found on ArcGIS online.
When I import the data to my ArcGIS (Using ArcMap 10.4), the file is quite large so I have been attempting to select specific areas in the parcel layer (e.g 500 parcels, all adjacent) 
I select the all the parcels I want to review and it highlights them as usual.  (however extremely slow compared to other parcel searches from different counties) 
I then do the Data-Export Data -and save the shapefile.
When I open up this new layer nothing shows up and the Attributes Table only shows headers.
What am I doing wrong?  Is it the data set or is there just a step I am missing?
My only experience is with downloaded shapefiles from county websites so this is my first attempt with data directly from ArcGIS Online.
Any feedback helps.  Thank you in advance. 
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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor

Hi @Cardan,

My apologies for the inconvenience.

I have went ahead and looked into the dataset, I am assuming it is this one:

The reason why the dataset is incredibly slow is because you are dealing with a ArcGIS Rest Service; put simply, this data is hosted on a server and it needs to reload any time you pan, zoom, etc.

In regard to your issue, try this alternative:

  1. Select the subset of the parcel data
  2. Right click on the layer in the table of contents and go to 'Selection' > 'Create Layer from Selected Features' 
  3. In the search pane, search for 'Feature Class to Feature Class' N_W_S_E_0-1653399907765.png

    Select Feature Class to Feature Class (conversion)

  4. Fill in the parameters in the Feature Class to Feature Class conversion dialogue boxN_W_S_E_2-1653400293969.png
  5. Click 'Environments...' and disable M and Z values N_W_S_E_3-1653400374847.png
  6. Click 'ok', and then run the feature class to feature class conversion
  7. The subset is created 


If this does not work, do not hesitate t o let me know and I can come up with another workflow!

View solution in original post

5 Replies
Occasional Contributor

It could be that the dataset has Z and M values associated with it. After your selection, and when you're in the Data > Export Data dialogue box, select the Environments button at the bottom. When in the Environments, disable Z and M values, and then try to export.

Note: this is just off of pure speculation; I have not looked into the dataset. If this method doesn't work, let me know and I will download the dataset and explore it myself to offer other solutions.

Emerging Contributor


Thank you for the response. When I do the Data>Export Data, The dialogue box does not have any other options. I have attached a short GIF, showing the issue.

Along with my export issue, it is painfully slow to load. This county only has ~46k parcels and I am accustom to analyzing a nearby county with ~300k parcels with little issue.   Unsure if the issues are connected or not.


Thank you again.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi @Cardan,

My apologies for the inconvenience.

I have went ahead and looked into the dataset, I am assuming it is this one:

The reason why the dataset is incredibly slow is because you are dealing with a ArcGIS Rest Service; put simply, this data is hosted on a server and it needs to reload any time you pan, zoom, etc.

In regard to your issue, try this alternative:

  1. Select the subset of the parcel data
  2. Right click on the layer in the table of contents and go to 'Selection' > 'Create Layer from Selected Features' 
  3. In the search pane, search for 'Feature Class to Feature Class' N_W_S_E_0-1653399907765.png

    Select Feature Class to Feature Class (conversion)

  4. Fill in the parameters in the Feature Class to Feature Class conversion dialogue boxN_W_S_E_2-1653400293969.png
  5. Click 'Environments...' and disable M and Z values N_W_S_E_3-1653400374847.png
  6. Click 'ok', and then run the feature class to feature class conversion
  7. The subset is created 


If this does not work, do not hesitate t o let me know and I can come up with another workflow!

Emerging Contributor

That worked!  Thank you Thank you!

I was able to put them into their own layer which now opens the data tables and it's now much much quicker. Thank you again. It is truly appreciated. 

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Occasional Contributor

You're very welcome!

Yes, this method takes the hosted data and converts it into a local copy. Because the data is now stored on your computer locally, you will have a much easier time working with it, and significantly faster processing times.

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