I've got several feature layers in an existing base map that no longer load into an existing base map. I can pull each one up individually, and have even tried to save them as a new base map to begin anew. Each time, as long as I'm in the editing window where I first pulled the missing feature layer, it shows up just fine. As soon as I save, go out and come back into the web map, it will no longer load. Any suggestions? Most of these layers are shared with field crews through Collector / Field Maps / Survey 123 and have heard no issue from them. Problem appears in the base map where it is then used for Web Map Apps & Dashboards.
Can you share the map and layers to a group and invite russell_jsapi and I can take a look.
Had a chance to look at this yet?
Sorry was OOO at the UC. I don't think anyone has sent me a repro map but if you have one I can take a look.
I've got the same issue right now. Features that were loading yesterday and even this morning are having issues.
This exact issue just started happening to me today. Any ideas of what is going on?
Not yet ... several threads in the community are asking the same questions. I've got 1/2 dozen clients using AGOL and only one of them has been affected by whatever is going on.
While reading through some other threads, a solution that had been posted for a similar post was to clear the cache on your computer. It did take care of my issue, and was able to reconstruct my Base Maps again. Did have to reconstruct some dashboards and queries / filters that went with them, but the Feature Layers no longer gave me issues, and all appeared to function as normal.