How about displaying a static map image that someone can click to activate?
Hi, im reactivating this thread to know if any recent changes has been added to ESRI iFrame in order to control behavior of the zoom and scale options ? I have similar issue as Chris and Andrew and really hoped to find a way to fix this for my website...
Thanks in advance!
In the new embed, included in the last release of ArcGIS Online, you can disable scroll wheel zoom using the undocumented disable_scroll url parameter. Set this to true and it will disable the scroll wheel for zooming.
Here's an example:
<iframe width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=""></iframe>
In the map you link to scrolling-to-zoom is *not* deactivated. Am I missing something?
Hi Tina,
There is another question I have regarding the template.
One of the map journals for Mega Cities
<> developed by
ESRI includes a mini-map in the header of the content bar on the left side.
We would like to have the same functionality for our template, since we are
using the same map journal template, but could not figure out yet how to
embed the mini-map into the bar.
You can find our journal here <>, it would be
great if you could tell us how this can be done.
Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you.