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Data download from services hosted on-premises

01-12-2023 02:12 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I am trying to put together a hubsite on ArcGIS online that uses data from both hosted services and those connected in from an on-premises ArcGIS server. When accessing the layers through the data explorer in the hubsite the hosted layers are all available for download but those from the on-premises services are not.

Based upon the following paragraphs in the help pages I would have though this should be allowed.


I have tried adding the services in a a range of ways grouped map services,  single layer map service, feature access enabled, but all to no avail.

I am therefore wondering is this at all possible or have I misunderstood the help pages? 

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi chapmang,

You don't need to enable feature access on the map services. 

Is the map service you're adding public? When you share it with your hub site does it appear in the content library?

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