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Dashboard - data not accessible - dates not parsing correctly

06-27-2022 02:07 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

Hello all,

I had a dashboard showing change in value over time. It's been working fine for over a year, but last week I noticed it has stopped working and is showing the little yellow warning sign in bottom left corner with label 'data not accessible'. I've pinned the issue down to the date field when trying to parse dates. I had been formatting dates as 'YYYY-MM-DD' which had been working fine, but seemingly no longer.  I cannot find any way of formatting dates so it can be used correctly in the dashboard. Looks like the error might be linked to earlier June update? Is anyone having similar issues and found a date format which works? Much appreciate any help to get this dashboard up and running again!



3 Replies
New Contributor

Same here. Since the June update, all of our dashboard serial charts with Split by Field settings no longer work.

New Contributor

Thanks, it's good to know I'm not alone with this!

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Esri Contributor

@KateHand For the June release, we had to change the code library that parses strings (and numbers) into dates. There are situations where the previous library was much more 'forgiving', and a chart that has always worked might start showing No Data, or weird results like what is below.  With the new library, the serial chart's config settings must match the data and you might be able to get things working again by simply changing the parsing pattern. 


Note: When changing the above to 'yyyy' on my testing dashboard, I noted that the chart did not update correctly and appeared to be empty/blank. This is another small issue for us (i.e. preview not updating correctly). Simply clicking done (to finish the configuration) worked around the problem. 

@CoHBurkeThompson Your issue might be something different. Is it still a problem? If so, you might want to create a Support ticket to get to the bottom of things.