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Creating an offline map for use in 123Survey - Features not visible

03-25-2024 11:05 AM
Emerging Contributor

I would like to create an offline area for a WebMap in order to use it in 123Survey.
In ArcGIS-online I can save the WebMap, which consists of the base map (ESRI Openstreet map) and a feature service, as an offline area without any problems. The "Activate synchronisation (required for offline use and collaboration)" checkbox is ticked in the feature service, and offline mode is activated in the WebMap. No error message appears

When I download and open the offline area in 123Survey, only the ESRI base map is displayed.

I have tried different variations (changed the coordinate system, overlaid a completely different feature service, etc.). Always the same problem, only the base map is displayed.

The crazy thing is, when I load the offline area in FieldMaps, all elements are visible. So is this a 123Survey error?

I would be pleased if someone had an idea of how to solve the problem or what the cause might be.

Many thanks Ulrich


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3 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

When I download and open the offline area in 123Survey, only the ESRI base map is displayed.

In the inbox map or a question?

This is a good resource that might help clarify what you need to do:

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Emerging Contributor

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, the problem persists.

My problem is not the creation of the base map, but that the offline map area in the 123Survey app is not fully displayed in the questionnaire on the mobile device (Android version 13). When I open the offline area in the app on the mobile device, I only see the base map, but not my overlaid features.
When I am online, I can see all elements (base map + features).
When I open the same offline map in ArcGIS FieldMaps, I can also see everything.
I conclude from this that it cannot be due to the creation of the base map, as this is displayed correctly online and in FieldMaps. Rather, I now assume that it is a bug in 123Survey or a performance problem depending on the device (Galaxy Tab S6 Lite) or the Android version (13).
Has anyone had similar experiences?

Thank you very much

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MVP Regular Contributor
Survey123 started with a form. The map is secondary and custom maps weren't
always available. Just enabling the map for offline use doesn't
automatically make it offline in a survey question.

In the link provided there is this explanation:

- You can link web maps, and also vector tile packages and mobile map
packages. Now, if you link offline maps, then end users will need to
manually download those linked maps before they can be used. Linked offline
maps do not get automatically downloaded when the survey is downloaded or
refreshed in the field app.

The 'map' isn't the forefront of the survey123 experience. It was
originally designed for offline data collection via a form (vs the
online/sync friendly, map centric field maps).

Personally I'd set up a tile package or basemap, but wouldn't pursue it as
an option if field staff need to manually and repeatedly download a
dynamically updated map. I'd consider using field maps for data collection,
possibly in conjunction with survey123.
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