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Counts and Amonuts (color) option not showing on AGOL Map

03-03-2021 02:53 PM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


I am trying to create a choropleth map using a Survey123 generated data (feature layer) and ArcGIS online World Countries Generalised ( feature layer. 

I did the join function to join the data together, and I'm wanting to display the data in the choropleth format. The survey123 data is each survey submission contains a field 'Country', which is selected from a dropdown list. I would like the count of the submission entries for each country.

When I open the stylize function of the new feature layer created from the join, and select COUNTRY FROM 'Choose and attribute to show', it doesn't give me the option of 'Counts and Amounts (color)' option which is what I need for the choropleth map. 

Below is what I'm getting:


And this is what I am needing:



Any idea why the option is not being offered? 

Thanks! 🙂

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8 Replies
MVP Alum

You need to choose a numeric attribute to display style in Counts and Amounts.

Change Style - ArcGIS Online 

Think Location
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Frequent Contributor

Hi Jayanta, thank you for your response.

Any idea on how I could set up the Survey123 output so that the Counts and Amounts option will show up in the maps page? Since the name of the style included the word 'Count' I thought it would provide a count functionality within features. I am having difficulty finding any ESRI information material on creating choropleth maps from Survey123 data, so any information/advice would be really appreciated!

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MVP Alum

Since you have already joined the Survey123 data to the World Countries data, what are the fields that you see in dropdown ("Choose an attribute to show")? You need to choose an appropriate numeric value from that.

In case you aren't able to figure it out, please share a screenshot of the dropdown showing the attributes of Survey123 data.

Think Location
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Frequent Contributor

It seems to only offer the fields from the World Countries feature layer, but the Survey123 data contains field 'Country' as well. 



I'm unsure why it is not giving me the fields from the Survey123 output? 

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MVP Alum

I think"Join_Count" attribute should give you the count that you are looking for (unless the Join didn't work correctly and Join_Count is incorrect). Choose that attribute from drop-down.

Think Location
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Frequent Contributor

Thank you Jayanta, selecting the Join_Count option did offer up Counts and Amounts (color), which is great. 


However, it doesnt seem to be getting the actual data from the correct dataset, as all countries are colored the same (the dataset it should be reading off only has about 10 entries in the 'Country' field, most of them of different countries). The Country data is in a Repeat layer, but for this Join_Feature layer I selected the parent layer as it was the only way to perform the join with 'Choose a spatial relationship'. I am suspecting that the above issue might be caused by the data in the Repeat layer not being able to be read, and only the parent layer data being available?

I tried Join_Features with the Repeat layer, but when I perform this I am only able to select 'Choose the fields to match' - I found that this results in a Table Hosted Layer, which doesn't give me the 'Change Style' button at all. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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MVP Alum

Could you confirm the min. and max. values of "Join_Count" field from the attribute table?

Also please share the screenshots of the attribute table, and the Options dialog (Counts and Amount)

Think Location
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Frequent Contributor

Hi Jayanta,

The feature layer of 'World Countries Generalised' joined with my Survey123 output parent layer shows 0 for all 'Join_Count' as below, and doesn't show any data from the Repeat of the survey123.





And the feature table generated from 'World Countries Generalised' joined with my Survey123 Repeat layer doesn't give the 'changestyle' option at all, as below.


Thank you


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