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Contains search in Map Viewer doesn't work

Occasional Contributor II

I have a hosted feature layer view that contains three layers and three related tables.  I've created a web map from this hosted feature layer and configured the Search options on the web map (settings tab) to do a contains search against the relevant fields of each of the map layers and one of the related tables:


However, in the map, the search function doesn't seem to work.  The screen grab below shows the Buildings layer turned on and labelled with the 'name' attribute.  There is a building called the 'David Attenborough Building', yet searching for 'david' or 'attenborough' doesn't return any results:


I get the same behaviour for the other two spatial layers ('Colleges' and 'Porters Lodges').  But the related table does work as expected and shows results from a 'contains' search, as shown below:


If I change the search settings of the three layers from Contains to Equals then I get better results:


Now when I search in the map against the 'Building' layer for 'david' it does indeed find the David Attenborough Building:


Furthermore, I'm able to use the % symbol as a wildcard so searching for '%atten' also finds the David Attenborough Building:


I'm pretty sure this used to work, so I'm wondering if something got broken in the most recent update to ArcGIS Online this week?  The specific issues seem to be:

  1. The Contains search doesn't seem to work at all for layers, but does work for tables;
  2. The Equals search actually performs a Begins with... search.

Am I missing anything or have I misunderstood how this is meant to work in Map Viewer?  The documentation ( is pretty sparse and doesn't say much other than: 'Choose whether the result should contain or be equal to the search terms.'

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Are you able to share your map and layers and I can take a look? You can drop them into a group and invite russell_jsapi into it. thanks! 

Occasional Contributor II

Hey @RussRoberts, thanks for getting in touch.  I've shared the map and layers with you, so hopefully you can see the issue.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Do you see it working against the original FL instead of the view? I see the fulltext not working as expected on that view layer but just checked against some of mine and they were working. 

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