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Checkboxes in Pop-ups on Maps

02-09-2023 08:54 AM
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New Contributor


On some of our layers for our maps we have a field titled "Assigned To:", so we can track which of our workers are assigned to certain jobs.  We often have multiple people assigned to tasks, and we want to keep track of this.  Is there a way that under our field in the pop-up for "Assigned To:", that I could pre-populate our worker's names in checkbox format so we can pick multiple employees for a job at one time?

For example, if I wanted to assign people to pave a street, I would like to put a point, fill in the other fields I have added with appropriate information, and when I get to the "Assigned To:" field, I would like to see a list of our 12 workers and click on Smith, Jones, and Charles from the check boxes.

(p.s., we tried workforce, and it won't work for this scenario for us).



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Occasional Contributor

I don't believe there are checkbox pop ups currently in AGOL, which would be a great addition. However, I have an idea that may or may not work for you. Create 3 or 4 fields, depending on crew size, titled "Assigned To" (Display Name) & "Assigned_To_1,2,3,etc." (Field Name) (see screenshot 1). Then add a list for each "Assigned To" with all your 12 crew members (see screenshot 2 & 3). Now when you create a point at location you can select which employees you want assigned through the drop down. (see screenshot 4). This will be more of a work around, but maybe it can work for your application.







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