Trying to create new feature layer from existing layer in ArcGISonline. I can get the features to copy over to a new layer but attribute drop downs are not.
Save the layer as a layer in AGOL and then add the saved layer to your new map.
Thanks Michael. I've tried that resulting in some of the service definition scheme copying over but not everything. For instance all the feature headings are there but attribute drop down options are not. I essentially I want to use an existing feature layer as a template for other layers. Ultimately, these new layesr will be used in the field via ArcCollector.
Sounds like you are wanting to create a new hosted feature service using the schema of an existing hosted feature service. Not sure that is even possible
Michael, FYI, I think I've solved it. In ArcMap, open FGDB you want to copy schema from. Open Distributed Geodatabase in tool bar. Select Extract Data Wizard. Select Schema Only and proceed.
I've published the new layer as a service, loaded into map on AGOL. I can see all the features and attribute drop downs via ArcCollector.