Cannot override or edit attribution (map credit)

11-16-2020 01:09 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor


I have a web app in ArcGIS Online which works perfectly. The only flaw is that the service credit/attribution is specified in each layer as they're designed to be used separately. This means, when in the live app, the attribution/credit from each layer is pulled.

But, as these are the same credit in each layer, it duplicates. Attached is a sanitised screenshot.

I cannot remove the attribution/credit for the source layers as this would remove them when they are used individually. I thought I found the solution using the ArcGIS Online Assistant (as per: by but as all layers are dynamic, there was no JSON data for copyright/attribution and so this couldn't be edited as per the old post.

Is there a way to override this at the web app level, while of course still preserving the default ESRI attribution/service credit? I am using the standard map viewer for the source layers (not beta).

Many thanks.



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