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Can you register SQL features to ArcGIS Online or can you only register databases in ArcGIS Enterprise?

01-09-2025 09:42 AM
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Emerging Contributor

Is there a way to register a SQL dataset in AGOL like you can on an Enterprise Portal so that features update/append automatically? Our company has both an outfacing AGOL to the public and an internal Enterprise for private internal use. We have registered SQL databases for the Enterprise that overwrite and append automatically. Is there a similar service that can work for ArcGIS Online?


This is kind of a side note: Our company has two time zones that data is tracked in. Thus, we have two SQL datasets with different coordinate systems to account for the areas being in different time zones. Both datasets track the exact same assets and thus have identical schema as far as data fields go. When I create dashboards to encompass both areas, I do not wish to have two separate features for the same type of asset (i.e. Asset1_TimeZone1, Asset1_TimeZone2, Asset2_TimeZone1, Asset2_TimeZone2, etc.) Rather to reduce the clutter on the dashboards, I append the asset class for both time zones into one feature class with a shared projected coordinate system. 

The issue with this is that this can be quite time consuming when you have to manually append the features each time the two separate SQL datasets are updated (which is often). Is there a script or model builder web to automate this process, or better yet something that can do this behind the scenes on its own (have the SQL layers automatically get converted to merged/appended hosted feature layers, with a shared coordinate system, every time a change is made to the SQL dataset)? This could be in real time or at scheduled times (reminder: this is on AGOL web services, not an Enterprise Portal).  

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6 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Take a look at Organizational Collaboration, if your Enterprise service meets the requirement it's the easiest way to get that data into your Online portal.

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Regular Contributor

Yes, SQL Server usage is a function of Enterprise and Server.

However, have you considered an ArcGIS Distributed Collaboration or just using the layer from Enterprise by embedding credentials in the service in AGOL? Adding Credentialed ArcGIS Web Services to ArcGIS Online & Portal | by Matt Gaffner | Medium You would embed credentials of a Portal user who can view the layer in Portal, in the AGOL item. Then there are no copies to contend with, and the public facing layer actually is being fed from Enterprise, or you could just make the item in Enterprise available publicly. All of these solutions only work if your Enterprise can be accessed from outside your network though. 

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Emerging Contributor

This is such a cool solution. Unfortunately, as you mentioned, my data cannot be accessed from outside of our network due to confidentiality. I tested some of this and it acts as a shortcut where I can still edit the data in AGOL once I have verified my credentials from the Enterprise. 

But ultimately, our data cannot be made public and this ability to edit will not be available in services such as Field Maps as we currently do not have smart card readers on our Field Map devices. In my current situation, I would need a solution that delivers the registered database directly into AGOL, if that is at all possible.


Thanks for the reply!

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Regular Contributor

It sounds like you are restricted to copies in each place then. Accessing the SQL database directly is not a function of AGOL. That is what Enterprise is for. 

Or have you thought about having people in the field login to the Portal instance of Field Maps using their Enterprise credentials? This would let you cut AGOL out entirely. Enterprise can be secured just like AGOL. I guess it depends if you need AGOL for something that Portal can't do? 

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Emerging Contributor

Have definitely thought about this. Field Map collection is relatively new to us and our Enterprise has primarily only been used for internal users to view data and dashboards.  Our Enterprise is only accessible by smart card readers.  I know that there are options to add smart card readers to your collection devices, however if we are out in the field and not connected to Wi-Fi or the network, I am unsure if there is any ability for the credentials to grant the user access to our Enterprise.

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Regular Contributor

If it works like a single sign on, if the users sign on while connected, they will stay logged in on Field Maps the device for a time, I think. Best way to find out is to test it, I think.