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Can the Search tool be expanded/open by default in a Web Map or Dashboard?

05-15-2023 01:10 PM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Instead of having to click on the Search tool  JayHodny_0-1684181042378.png to open it to this expanded view:


is there a setting somewhere that opens the Search tool to the expanded view, by default, when opening a web map?  Assuming there is one, will a Dashboard honor the setting?  It would be nice to have the Search tool open by default.  I am trying to simplify some user instructions and reduce the number of mouse clicks.  Thanks in advance.



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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

Not sure about dashboards, but if you create an app from the map you can easily do that. Here is the setting in Instant Apps, which are the easiest to set up, though with limited options compared to Experience Builder, etc.

Instant Apps search config.png

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