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Can't view "Related Records" option using a webservice

11-02-2023 12:13 PM
Honored Contributor


I'm trying to show related records in a pop-up.  According to this blog ( ) article, I should be able to do this, but for some reason I do not have the option to "Add Content - Related Records".  See screenshot below.  Can anyone explain what might be going wrong here??



Here are the details on the webservice I am using.  I can view the features, and modify the features fields in the pop-up.  Just no access to the related table for some reason.




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Works/Valves_Over_Inspections (MapServer)

View In:   ArcGIS JavaScript   ArcGIS Online Map Viewer   ArcGIS Earth   ArcMap   ArcGIS Pro

View Footprint In:   ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Service Description:

Map Name: Valves Over Inspections


All Layers and Tables

Dynamic Legend

Dynamic All Layers


Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 26917  (26917)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent:
      XMin: 670900.4892873524

      YMin: 4861540.759367962

      XMax: 671264.1504525405

      YMax: 4861797.333926209

      Spatial Reference: 26917  (26917)

Full Extent:
      XMin: 632250.5783000002

      YMin: 4845167.040200001

      XMax: 706521.8962000003

      YMax: 4932435.0529

      Spatial Reference: 26917  (26917)

Units: esriMeters


Document Info:
      Title: Map






      AntialiasingMode: Fast

      TextAntialiasingMode: Force

Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   QueryDomains   QueryLegends   Find   Return Updates
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24 Replies
Honored Contributor

Ah....I never though of trying that.  Let me give it a go.

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Honored Contributor

Hi Ken.  So with the Arcade code have you added the table separetly to the map as a URL (like you mentieond earlier) or is this using the relationship in the web service??

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I added the table to the map just to examine its contents to see what I could add to the popup. In the Arcade script, I make the connection to the related table with the FeatureSetByRelationshipName function.

Occasional Contributor

Hi Ken. I just published the same feature service to both AGO and ArcGIS Portal (11.1). In AGO, I can use the 'related Records' item to show my related tables' pop-ups in their own window within the pop-up pane. Meaning, the user has to click on the pass-through link on the default pop-up to see the related table pop-up. In Portal, this option is not available when clicking 'Add Content' in the pop-up config panel (I'm using Map Viewer). Is it just a Portal limitation?? 

I understand you can circumvent this issue by editing the Arcade code, but the issue with that is a UI nightmare for user groups that are extremely nit-picky (like mine). I have a lot of data in each related table and it makes the pop-up enormous, forcing users to scroll forever to find the data point they need.

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Occasional Contributor

I should mention my feature service is Portal is indeed hosted, and not a server service.

Images for proof: First one is Portal 11.1's Map Viewer






(In Portal) feature service REST endpoint:




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MVP Regular Contributor

I'm not sure about the limitations that others have mentioned, but do you have feature access enabled on this map service, and are you accessing the resulting feature service endpoint?  If so I would expect your URL to end in /FeatureServer rather than /MapServer.

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Honored Contributor


Well to be honest, I'm not 100% sure how this service was setup.  Where I work the GIS users have no access to publish their own services, so we just submit a ticket to our IT help desk with an attached .mxd or .aprx file and they create the service.  We just get the URL sent back to us with no control over how things are created.

From the responses above, and some blog/community articles, it seems like there are two issues here.

1.  however this webservice was created, it won't work in AGOL.  So I guess our backend needs to be updated?  From what IT is telling me, our REST services are at v10.91....does that make sense??

2.  We also have an onsite Portal, where the option to add related features to a pop-up aren't supported either, but I read somewhere that functionality is coming in Q4 of this that correct??  But I guess if our REST is still at an unsupported version, then it doesn't really matter if Portal will support it or not.

A lot of moving parts here!!  🙂

I will try the @KenBuja method using Arcade to see if I can at least get something in there for now.

MVP Regular Contributor

If you replace the "MapServer" part of the URL with "FeatureServer", do you get anything?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor

I get a "Service does not exist or is inaccessible".

If I try to go straight to that as a URL in a web browser, I just get a blank page.  I'm not totally sure how our IT department sets this stuff up, as we are not allowed to publish anything ourselves.  I don't even know what the different options are to ask them to change something.

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Honored Contributor

Ha ha!!  And now that I'm back on to Arcade I am now remembering why I stopped trying to get Arcade to work in the first place....back to square on I suppose.  🙂


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