Keep getting an error when loading hosted feature layers: "There was an error publishing the service". Or just "There was an error" and "+1" to the right of this text.
Anyone else seeing this today?
I was having issues following the CrowdStrike problem. We had to restart our GIS server 3 times and reboot some individual machines.
Thanks for the tip, Laura. Seems like the layers become accessible on and off -- currently I can load them. I have a set up a support ticket with ESRI.
We've been having issues too. Couldn't tell if it was just our org or if others are experiencing similar issues. Looks like it's not just us and I've seen other posts this last week or so pointing issues like ours.
Esri support indicated it's a known issue and is working to resolve it. The problem was off and on yesterday. So far today everything is loading and accessible.