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ArcGIS Online popup hints configuration

06-19-2017 06:16 PM
Occasional Contributor

I'm trying to set Hints so when a user edits attributes in ArcGIS Online, they see a hint explaining the information they need to enter for the attribute.

This is done by setting Hints in the popups configuration in the webmap (or in the visualization tab of the layer item details).

In both Chrome and IE, when attempting to add or change the hints that appear for attributes being edited, the hints misbehave:

a) once set, they don't always appear in the popup configuration even though they are visible in the app when editing

b) when going from one hint to another in the popups configuration, they sometimes appear to copy across from the previous hint.

Hint appears missing in the popup configuration

Hint appears in the wrong field

How they appear in the smart editor:

Hints appear correctly in the editor

Has anyone experienced this same issue or have a workaround?

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7 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor


Do you see the same behavior in Firefox?

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Occasional Contributor

Yes same behavior in Firefox.

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Occasional Contributor

I've narrowed it down a bit. It appears to only be problematic with the fields that have a domain. Data is hosted in ArcGIS Online and was published from Desktop 10.2.2 but republished with Pro.

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MVP Honored Contributor

Andrew, when you republished it, did you just overwrite the service? Or make a new one from scratch? I find that sometimes republishing things gives me weird errors and this could be especially true when the original was in ArcMap then going to Pro.

When you originally published it from ArcMap, were things behaving as expected?

When republished, what changes did you make to your feature classes and domains?

Occasional Contributor

We overwrote the service from Pro, since 10.2.2 doesn't allow overwriting services in AGOL (it creates the service definition but not the service). I don't think I had set up Hints before we republished. Yes the schema changed when we republished, added a few new fields with domains, removed a few from what I can remember. I've seen this behaviour before though. We are moving to 10.5 in a few weeks so will be interesting to see if publishing a new editable service causes the same issue.

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MVP Honored Contributor

Andrew, that may be the cause of the mishap. I find that when you add or remove fields (and even changing schemas) that AGOL does not behave properly. Any time I make a big change like that, I have to completely delete the feature service and re-create it. Then it works properly. Sometimes that is a huge pain but that has been my workflow...