I'm currently working on a project to build a map/tool that requires a user to draw in a line segment or drop a point, and they can define the buffer/mile radius, and then export a PDF of the data that spatially joins/spatial analysis within that drawn segment or point. A great example is the FHWA HEPGIS Title VI Tool: https://hepgis.fhwa.dot.gov/fhwagis/buffertool/
I would like something very similar to the FHWA tool, but within ArcGIS Online. I don't have TransCAD, and not looking to purchase that. I have seen the "Search Feature" tool within certain ArcGIS Online apps, but wanted to ask the community to see if I am overlooking something. ArcGIS Dashboards or ArcGIS Experience Builder would be preferred, but will use any ArcGIS Online app to get the interface for users drawing segments, defining a buffer/radius, and then exporting a report. Anyone know of any tools or resources on ArcGIS Online? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!