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.SVG Text Missing After Upload to Arcgis Online

08-23-2023 07:00 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I am working with .svg symbology to make a mutcd signs point layer. I have been using svg's over png's because they are better for quality and for what I am trying to do. I completed all the points I had in Arcgis Pro and it looked good. But when I exported the layer to Arcgis Online I noticed more than a few of my symbols were missing their text.

I have searched a few places to find answers and I have tried reuploading, inspecting the fonts on the affected ones to see if they differ, and running the images through an .svg cleaner. Nothing has worked so far, and I am wondering if this is more of a bug? If anyone has any answers to why this may be occurring it would be greatly appreciated. 


This is what the symbols look like before (in Arcgis Pro) and after (in Arcgis Online)


1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share the web map? Are you viewing it in Map Viewer Classic or Map Viewer?



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