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ArcGIS online archived accounts

08-27-2020 10:15 AM
Occasional Contributor III

I help manage a university AGO org. Since going to a single sign on enterprise model we've started to accumulate a lot of student created material, some of which students would like to continue to have available publically online after they graduate.

My question is about what happens to web maps and map apps after a students email (the email they used to authenticate their AGO account) is deactivated?  I assume the AGO account becomes disabled? Does all of the content also go dark? Is there an option to 'archive' accounts so they are disabled but the public content remain visible?

I know we can transfer users content, but that's an organizational nightmare when dealing with an entire university, year after year. 

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3 Replies
by Anonymous User
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HI David Medeiros‌,

Thanks for the post. For SSO logins if the email becomes deactivated then the individual will no longer be able to sign into ArcGIS Online as the IDP won't be able to authenticate them, but it would not have an effect on the account within ArcGIS Online. Accounts that have been disabled (Manage members—ArcGIS Online Help | Documentation) still retain all content but also take up a seat in the organization.

A lot of improvements have been made to ArcGIS Online within the last six months to assist with content management for large organizations. The most useful feature added for your scenario is the ability to select multiple members and bulk transfer all of their content to a different member. For example, if 50 students graduated you could select all of them, transfer their content to a different account and revoke add-on licenses (also from the Members tab). At that point you would need to manually delete each user from the GUI or use the ArcGIS API for Python or Rest API to script bulk-deleting the users. Please exercise extreme caution if scripting a delete users workflow.

You may be interested in some of the rationale/comments regarding why bulk-deleting users is not available: ArcGIS Online bulk member management - Delete Users 

I hope this explanation helps, let me know if there are any questions. 



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New Contributor II

My question is in line with this, but not for a large org.  I have a colleague who created some content in her personal account and now wants to switch it over to a work account.  However, she didn't renew her subscription and her account has been disabled.  Is there any way to retrieve the data?  Does she have to renew her subscription in order to gain access to that data she created?

My best,


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by Anonymous User
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Hi @ScottSweet - if her account is expired she can reach out to Customer Service - they should be able to assist with the activation of an expired account for the purposes of transferring content. 



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