I was previously downloading maps using QGIS from an ArcGIS server. However, now when I'm trying to access the server, I'm receiving an error that says "Arcgis: Access denied: Forbidden."
The server I'm trying to access the map from has the following URL: https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}
I used to download images in PNG format from there. However, even when I try to access the page by manually entering z, y, and x coordinates in my web browser, I can't access the page anymore. What could be the reason for this issue, and how can I resolve it?
Thank you for your assistance.
1. Remove temp files
2. Use this URL link :
3. Follow the instruction in video
Good luck
Hello Faiez,
I am struggling with the same issue too. I tried all of the solutions. I always get this error when I click on the link. So, we are facing server blockage.
This option works 100 %, via XYZ connection: Try to establish a connection like the one that you have made for ArcGIS REST Server. This time make a connection by XYZ connection.
If you succeed, your screen should looks like this
hello faiez,
this map is Google Maps. Its already works. But we want to work arcgis maps. I tried every method of your demonstration but it didn't work.
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