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Arcade Statement for Symbology not "sticking" in New Map Viewer

02-06-2023 09:11 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am attempting to use Arcade to symbolize my data on a Feature Layer in the New Map Viewer. The Arcade statement appears to be working correctly, and I see the correct output symbolized when it is applied. However, once it is saved and the page is refreshed, the data is no longer symbolized and falls into the 'Other' category. If I try to move it up from the 'Other' category to symbolize and save again, I see the same behavior on refreshing the page. 

Here is my arcade statement:


if ($feature.STATUS == 'Temporary Removal') {
     return "Temporary Removal" }
else if ($feature.STATUS == 'Active' && $feature.DaysSinceInspection == '< 60 days') {
     return "< 60 days" }
else if ($feature.STATUS == 'Active' && $feature.DaysSinceInspection == '60-90 days') {
     return "60-90 days" }
else if ($feature.STATUS == 'Active' && $feature.DaysSinceInspection == '> 90 days') {
     return "> 90 days" }
else {
     return "None of these conditions" }



After the Arcade statement is applied to the symbology, it automatically returns all of the records under this value (which is accurate to what I am expecting to see):



I save the map from the left side panel in the New Map Viewer (I have also tried doing this exact same thing under the visualization tab in the Feature Layer item details, which warrant the same results):



Then when I go to refresh the map, it is blank and the symbology has disappeared. Upon inspecting the symbology I see that the original value has 0 records and the same value exists under the 'Other' category now:



I moved the symbology up out of the other category, and the points were added to the map:



I save again, reload the map, and again it is blank. Inspecting the symbology shows the same issue has happened again:



Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? Is there a problem with my arcade statement or my method of symbolizing that might be causing this? Thanks!

12 Replies
Occasional Contributor
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Esri Notable Contributor

Thanks this is a known issue and we are working on a fix. The angle bracket is getting sanitized out when the map is saved which causes the issue you are seeing.

Frequent Contributor

Is there anyway to +1 this so it gets worked on sooner? thanks!

Esri Notable Contributor

hoping to get this in for the upcoming release which we are aiming for end of this month 🤞

Esri Notable Contributor

this one is looking fixed and should be out with the release in the coming weeks.

Frequent Contributor

Do you know if the release will also take care of the hyperlinks not sticking in the pop-ups when using the new map viewer? I know this is a different topic, but it is similarly frustrating!


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Esri Notable Contributor

We do have a fix where certain hyperlinks would get stripped out. This will be going out in the same release.

Emerging Contributor

Hi Russ,

Is this issue solved by now?

I have a similar problem, this is how my symbology is set up:

ArcGIS Pro


Map Viewer:




0 Kudos
Esri Notable Contributor

The fix mentioned above was released.  Will probably need to checkout the web map / layer to see what is happening.

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