Hi all,
I've been trying to use Arcade to run some calculations in forms on ArcGIS Online.
In a nutshell, I have to read the values of the upstream and downstream node of the line that I generate on the map.
Here is my code, appropriately modified starting from this one hosted on esri-github repository: arcade-expressions/attribute_rule_calculation/CopyValueIntersectingFeature.md at master · Esri/arcad...
Upstream node
// Value to copy from the intersected feature
var intersecting_field = "IDCAMERE";
var paths = Geometry($feature)['paths'];
var FirstVertex = Point(paths[0][0])
// Create feature set to the intersecting class using the GDB Name
var intersecting_featset = FeatureSetById($map, "18697a2e245-layer-2", [intersecting_field])
// Intersect the edited feature with the feature set and retrieve the first feature
// var intersected_feature = First(Intersects(intersecting_featset, $feature));
var intersected_feature = First(Intersects(intersecting_featset, Buffer(FirstVertex,1)));
// Check to make sure there was an intersected feature, if not, return the original value
if (IsEmpty(intersected_feature) || intersected_feature == null)
return -99;
// If the intersected feature is null, return the original value
if (IsEmpty(intersected_feature[intersecting_field]))
return -99;
return intersected_feature[intersecting_field]
Downstream node
// This rule will populate the edited features field with a value from an intersecting feature
// Value to copy from the intersected feature
var intersecting_field = "IDCAMERE";
var paths = Geometry($feature)['paths'];
var LastVertex = Point(paths[-1][-1])
// Create feature set to the intersecting class using the GDB Name
var intersecting_featset = FeatureSetById($map, "18697a2e245-layer-2", [intersecting_field])
// Intersect the edited feature with the feature set and retrieve the first feature
// var intersected_feature = First(Intersects(intersecting_featset, $feature));
var intersected_feature = First(Intersects(intersecting_featset, Buffer(LastVertex,1)));
// Check to make sure there was an intersected feature, if not, return the original value
if (IsEmpty(intersected_feature) || intersected_feature == null)
return -99;
// If the intersected feature is null, return the original value
if (IsEmpty(intersected_feature[intersecting_field]))
return -99;
return intersected_feature[intersecting_field]
But when I create a new line in Field Maps on a mobile device, script returns the first value of table "nodi" (my points) instead of intersected vertex with "current" geometry (my new line).
And so what I get is a double insertion of the first value in the table. But when I open the same map in ArcGIS Online and edit this new line, the script works according to the expected behavior.
Where am I doing wrong? Any ideas?