I am trying to append new features to an existing hosted feature layer. I thought using Latitude and Longitude as field names would place the new features accordingly but it does not seem to be the case. The record is in the table after the append completes but there is no point on the map for it.
Did you already have latitude and longitude as fields in the table or did you add those fields in the csv you used to append?
They were already there.
for featureclasses or tables
Append—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop
but there are others, which append were you using?
It sounds like you were just appending attributes and not geometry.
If this is an event layer table, are the values all within the same values range?
I am trying the update data append data to layer tool in ArcGIS Online. This was a CSV I was trying it with.
Did you publish the original data from a CSV as well? If you are able to can you share the data with me by emailing it to kcullen@esri.com.
No, it has relationship classes I need to be published as well. I did add XY data from the CSV to a project in Pro, then publish to AGOL. From there I exported the data back to CSV to test adding new features and updating existing features. CSV is on its way. Thanks