Label Polygons Beyond the Centroid in New Map Viewer

05-23-2022 06:57 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

In Map Viewer Classic, polygon labels will redraw in the best location as you pan and zoom around the map.  However, in the new Map Viewer, polygon labels only draw at the polygon centroid.  If you pan away from the centroid, the label is out of view and not visible.

It is critical for many applications to be able to see the map label for all visible features in the map extent.  It is requested that ESRI , at a minimum, provide the same polygon labelling functionality that existed in Map Viewer Classic.   Thanks!


Second this request. 


Agreed 100%. A lot of creators have issues with this, as it is causing labels to be unusable in the new map viewer and therefore in applications that use the map viewer:

Re: Map Viewer Polygon Label centroid - Esri Community


This is on our roadmap to expand our polygon labeling support. 


@RussRoberts can you share the road map with us for labeling so that we understand the timeline and how long we won't be able to use labeling in our maps and apps?


I dont have an exact date for this bc its handled under the the JSAPI team but it is captured in the labeling improvements along with more line labeling options.


I agree, this is a major problem and is causing a lot of confusion around labels in one of my web maps. Would appreciate having a fix as soon as possible.


Just to add to this, I am experiencing this issue in ArcGIS Dashboards in addition to the new map viewer.


I also was surprise to see this 'oversight' this late in the game.  Big vote for getting in ASAP.



@RussRoberts any updates on this issue? Thank you.


No updates right now. This is an issue with the JS API and in their que to address it but not sure if its going to make the next release this fall.