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What's Coming in ArcGIS Online

09-18-2018 09:46 AM
Regular Contributor
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ArcGIS Online Update Planned for Tonight, September 18 

On September 18, we plan to update ArcGIS Online. Here are four capabilities you can look forward to:

  • Measure Distributions and Detect Concentrations
    • Measure the distribution of a set of features using the new Summarize Center and Dispersion tool. The tool can be used to calculate characteristics such as the center or compactness and orientation of dispersion, track changes in distribution over time, and compare distributions of different features.
    • Detect areas where points or events are concentrated and where they are separated using the new Find Point Clusters tool. 
  • Calculate Field Values using Arcade
    • Arcade can be used to calculate field values for hosted feature services. The functions, constants, and field values you currently use when building expressions for popups, labels, and visualizations can now be used to calculate field values.
  • Visualize 2D and 3D with new Configurable App
    • Scene with Inset Map showcases 3D and 2D maps in a single configurable application. The primary map visualizes elevation and a 2D inset provides orientation and context.
  • Search and Display 3D Features
    • Scenes can be configured so that when a feature is searched, Scene Viewer quickly finds and highlights the feature, and displays its pop-up.

Please note that all planned updates are subject to change. We will provide a comprehensive list of all implemented changes in our upcoming What’s New email and blog post.