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What's new with Network Analyst 10.1

07-20-2011 02:35 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
Welcome to the ArcGIS 10.1 beta!

Network Analyst in ArcGIS 10.1 has many new and enhanced features. Foremost is the support for Real-time traffic as well as enhancing all solvers to be time aware. Real-time traffic data can be rendered with beautiful custom symbology and solvers such as service area now have a start time to specify the time of day for which the traffic conditions will be used to compute the service areas.

In addition, Network Analyst has enhanced restrictions to support the concept of avoid rather then the absolute binary prohibited or allowed status.

The service area generation is now very fast with the support for using the hierarchy in the network and there are a number of ArcGIS Online services or ready to be published geoprocessing tools included in the Network Analyst toolbox. There are also more geoprocessing tools

The beta web site has a series of tasks that you can do to learn about these new capabilities.

Try out the new functionality and report your experiences, issues and questions here!

Jay Sandhu
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8 Replies
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hello sir,

i want to know that how to actually use the historical traffic data in your network dataset in Arcmap10.1. I have two tables and a road network file still while creating a network dataset it is not asking about the historical traffic data.

please help me out, this is regarding my thesis and i am completely struck in here. I'll be highly thankful to you

with Thanks,

Pranav Gairola

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello Pranav,

Have you looked at the help:

Historical traffic—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Specifically, the steps are here:

Configuring traffic data in a network dataset—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Also, there are two tutorials, number 1 and 10 that show how to configure this type of data.These are here:

About the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension tutorial—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Where exactly do you run into problems? Please add some more details so we can help you find a solution.


Jay Sandhu

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Deactivated User

Hey Jai,

My problems is been solved, thanks for your  interest dear. istorical traffic is been configured and added to network dataset. But there is one error coming while creating a network dataset, which says, "build network dataset failed , invalid value for the given weight type". Can you telll me what might be the reason for this.



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Esri Regular Contributor

As the error message implies, there is an invalid value in the input data. Perhaps there are some values out of range or not the right type (string instead of numeric or decimal values for an integer type) for some weight attribute. Most likely the string/number might be the culprit. So check the field definitions of fields that supply the data for the weight attributes in the network dataset.

Jay Sandhu

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Deactivated User

I am not able to find out where the input data is invalid. All values are integer or double depending upon the field type as per tutorial. When I am removing my traffic data then it is building the network, Although in that too I am getting no solution whenever i am finding a shortest route, but whenever i am looking for the closest facility it is solving the query for some points, partially for some another and not at all for again some points. My routes are connected and I am frustrated now why it is not solving the problem, when it has solved the same problem few months back. I am looking for some help, this is my thesis work and it's just like that on the last stage your entire work is going into dump.

Pranav Gairola

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Deactivated User

Hello Jai,

I have checked that when my traffic data is been added then only this error is coming, it means there is some error with the tables, although the tables have been configured as it is supposed to be. Initially there was some error coming adding the table due to mismatching of data types but now when the table is been added successfully then what might be the problem . Please give me some suggestions. My weight attributes looks ok (datatype is integer or double only). When, it's running without traffic profiles, then it should be fine, i guess. I am slipping somewhere, which i am not getting at all.

Pranav Gairola

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Esri Regular Contributor


It is hard to say what is going on without looking at the data. Is it something you can zip and email to<> then j can take a look to see what is going wrong.

Jay Sandhu

Sent from my iPhone

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I have mailed you my data.

Thanks for your help!!


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