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User Conference San Diego Convention Center Routing Site Question-Split Floor Return?

05-15-2012 02:41 PM
Regular Contributor
I have been wondering this for a while, and have tried to figure it out but can't seem to get it. The User Conference had a site last summer where one could route inside the San Diego Convention Center through multiple floors. Is there a functionality built in to Network Analyst that allows for splitting up of a route return based on a particular attribute (floor, for example), or was this some sort of work around? We are trying to do a similar thing using Network Analyst to route interiors that will eventually be going to web, and it would be very helpful to know how this was accomplished.


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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Have you looked at the 3D routing in a building tutorial? Link here:

Jay Sandhu
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Regular Contributor
Yes, I have seen the routing in a building tutorial and it proved very helpful when I was beginning 3D routing. My question so much isn't how to do it-I have been successful in accomplishing that. I have built 3D networks and created models in order to run route analysis in ArcScene, for Geoprocessing services, and 2D networks that are used in web applications (I don't do the web-based/ArcServer end, just the desktop end). My question is how the application on the web split up the route return based on floor. We want to take a whole route, point A to point B, but have a floor attribute split up the returned route. This is aimed for a web based product where a 3D visualization is not an option, but we want to have control over segments of the route  based on floor while maintain the route as a whole.
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