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Service Area Polygon Spatial Join Crashing

09-07-2022 07:48 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hello, I have been using ArcGIS Pro to create service area polygons for ~10k block group centroids using a driving distance from 5-60min and every 5min interval in between. Those service area polygons have been output but now I am trying to apply a spatial join that would sum a field within a set of point features (from 100-20k rows). However, whenever I try to run my spatial join from the geoprocessing tools, the join completely fails. When I go to see the error of the spatial join, my whole project crashes. Any idea why this might be and how I might work around this issue? Thanks!

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11 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Have you tried a subset of the data in the process? 

Are both sets of data locally stored on your computer?

Same coordinate system for the inputs?

You may be running out of memory

If you can get the error message number that would help

... sort of retired...
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Emerging Contributor

Thanks, Dan! I tried splitting my service area polygon in half. That was successful for service areas from 0-30min! When I ran the spatial join for my new 35-60min polygon, the join failed again. However, I was able to see the error code this time and I was out of memory. In addition to subsetting the data, do you have any tips for dealing with memory issues like this?

Also, all of the data are stored locally on my computer and the inputs have the same coordinate system.

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Emerging Contributor

Subsequent from my last reply, I am now receiving these error messages: 

1) ERROR 999999: Something unexpected caused the tool to fail. Contact Esri Technical Support ( to Report a Bug, and refer to the error help for potential solutions or workarounds.
2) Workspace or data source is read only.

Everything seemed to work fine for the first half of my subset service area polygons.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

short of adding memory, subsetting is best.

If the workspace is now read-only, then it may be the result of a failed run.

Tech Support is your next option,

... sort of retired...
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Emerging Contributor

Thanks! I contacted Tech Support and they said they weren't allowed to help me since my license is through a university. Even though I use GIS as part of my work for the university, as well as my dissertation. I'm at a bit of a loss now.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

you get your contact person there to put in the call.... or better still, you can be added to the list of people allowed to call.  This procedure is to prevent a flood of students/faculty calling for tech support without being vetted by someone that is allowed to call.  In a university environment, it is often the case, but not always, that the person managing the licenses, does just that.... manage the licenses... and has no other gis background.  Hopefully that is not your case, but I am sure that they will be glad to pass off some of the onus to someone else

... sort of retired...
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Emerging Contributor

That makes sense. Thanks! Is there really nothing I can do on my end?

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Esri Regular Contributor

If you tell me what university you're with, I can find out who the account manager is and have them reach out to you (or vice-versa) regarding how you can contact Support.  There will be a way, just need to figure out how.

For your particular application, could you use an OD Cost Matrix analysis instead of Service Area?  If you're just trying to figure out which points fall within x minutes of certain facilities, OD Cost Matrix may give you the same result and be better equipped to deal with very large datasets.  Our downloadable large OD Cost Matrix sample script tool might help you out:

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks, Melinda! It is Temple University. I am willing to try anything at this point. I need to sum an attribute from each point if they fall within 15, 30, 45, or 60 driving minutes from a centroid. I need to do this for four separate groups of points, as well as for walking (and eventually public transport). This is one of the last pieces to calculate what I need to but I keep hitting snags. The problem is that I no longer have access to StreetMaps Premium so if I was to start a new OD Cost Matrix layer, I would need to rerun all of my analyses and in smaller chunks to use arcgis online. I have pretty much all of the service area polygons already, however. Thank you very much for sending that github link. I unfortunately don't know Python, which is also slowing me down.

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