Hello everyone.
Am working with a project and the main focus is the healthcare centers which are a certain distance from an adress. I will use my own network dataset and service Area analysis but am wondering and want to get an answer why it is better to use an network dataset instead of Google maps.
Can anybody give me some advantages of using your own network dataset instead of using Google maps to know how far is a certain adress from a healthcare center.
Hello! Happy to help!
I would point out 2 main advantages. Security and Flexibility.
Esri uses authoritative data for network analysis calculations that can run behind your firewall keeping any PHI data secure.
When it comes to flexibility, there are multiple ways to address your problem. Service Area calculations are for determining the space that includes every location that can reach a healthcare center within a specific time or distance. Conversely, a route planner is for turn-by-turn directions to get to the healthcare center. If your goal is calculating the accurate travel times or distances between many patients and clinics, using the Origin-Destination Cost Matrix is better suited to this outcome.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Can we compare both at city level? Suggest technique