I just started using Network Analyst and am fairly new to networks. I have been able to use the StreetMap network data that comes with the ArcGIS install disks to use the Network Analyst extension. I noticed however that the drive-times it was generating in Illinois were a little high compared to Google Maps. I looked at the associated street file and noticed that Illinois speed limits are listed as 65mph. This just changed in 2014 to 70mph and the data is from 2013. What is the best way (is there any way) to change the speed limit field (I believe it is the MPH_GRP field in the SDC Edge Source 3 file in the StreetMap data). If not, is there anyway to compensate in the network for the changed speed limit. Like I said, I am fairly new to network datasets and am only using the one that is already created from StreetMap data. I haven't "successfully" created my own yet.
I appreciate any help. Thanks!