I have a feature class with Shape_length and roadcategories "E" = europeway, "F" Highway and so on.
I try to do my analysis in ModelBuilder.
step 1: Add new attribute field (Speed_limit)
step 2: Calculate field (E = 100km/h, F = 80km/h and so on).
step 3: Add field (Time used per line)
step 4: ((shape_length/1000)/Speed_limit)*60
After that i make a feature dataset and then a network dataset and "build network" in the modelbuilder. When i am finished i am able to find the shortest way from A to B, but not the fastest way. I see that i can do some stuff in network dataset properties, but i am still not able to find the fastest way.
Does anyone know what i am doing wrong?
I have uploaded a picture of the modelbuilder and a picture of properties under det network dataset.
What were you network analyst "costs" set to?
Cost attributes—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Did you read the link about Delete so you can use another cost attribute?
No havent read anything about Delete so you can use another cost attribute. Where do i find that?
Network elements—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
There is a whole table of contents to left in the link above. It describes how to set up your network analysis
More generally, the whole network analyst extension and its options begins in this link
What is the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension?—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
and there are even tutorials.
The help topics are excellent.
I have tried to "build network" again after changing the cost type. and now i get output of TIME and a faster route than precious, but the time on the route shows 1509 but the time should be like 10 minutes. what can be the problem?