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NA Route Rest services gives error

03-14-2012 09:43 PM
Occasional Contributor
I have create Na Routing  sample to test
on arcgis info its works fine create route on the data
but when i create Network Analysis services through Arcgis server and  using rest services in silverlight sample
its gives error
Black"Routing error: Unable to complete operation unable to find atribute invalid Context" my rest services

i Have discuss this topic on arcgis silverlight forum one of esri person forward me to this forum

My services is

services properties
Network Layer: Route
Layer Type: esriNAServerRouteLayer

Impedance: Meters

Restrictions: Oneway, RestrictedTurn

Accumulate Attribute Names:

Attribute Parameter Values:

Use Hierarchy: false

Hierarchy Attribute Name:

Hierarchy Level Count: 0

Hierarchy Max Values:

Hierarchy Num Transitions:

Snap Tolerance: 0

Max Snap Tolerance: 5000

Snap Tolerance Units: esriMeters

Ignore Invalid Locations: true

Restrict U-Turns: esriNFSBAllowBacktrack

Output Spatial Reference: 32642

Find Best Sequence: false

Use Start Time: false

Start Time: Sat, 30 Dec 1899 08:00:00 GMT

Use Time Windows: false

Preserve First Stop: true

Preserve Last Stop: true

Output Line Type: esriNAOutputLineTrueShape

Directions Language: en-US

Direction Style Names: NA Desktop, NA Navigation

Directions Length Units: esriNAUMiles

Directions Time Attribute:

Network Analysis Classes:
Class Name: Stops
Field Name: Shape
Default Value:
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: Name, Address, Label, Location, Stop, WayPoint, Description, Title, DepotName
Field Name: RouteName
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: RouteName, Route, RouteID
Field Name: Sequence
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: TimeWindowStart
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: TimeWindowStart1, TWStart1, FromTime1, FromTimeWindow1, FromTW1, From1, TimeWindowStart, TWStart, FromTime, FromTimeWindow, FromTW, From
Field Name: TimeWindowEnd
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: TimeWindowEnd1, TWEnd1, ToTime1, ToTimeWindow1, ToTW1, To1, TimeWindowEnd, TWEnd, ToTime, ToTimeWindow, ToTW, To
Field Name: SourceID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceID, SID, Source
Field Name: SourceOID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceOID, SOID
Field Name: PosAlong
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: PosAlong, PA, Pos
Field Name: SideOfEdge
Default Value: 2
Candidate Fields: SideOfEdge, SOE
Field Name: CurbApproach
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: CurbApproach, SideOfStreet, SideApproach, CurbSide, Curb
Field Name: Status
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Meters
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: Attr_Meters, Meters
Class Name: Barriers
Field Name: Shape
Default Value:
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: Name, Address, Label, Location, Barrier, Description, Title
Field Name: SourceID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceID, SID, Source
Field Name: SourceOID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceOID, SOID
Field Name: PosAlong
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: PosAlong, PA, Pos
Field Name: SideOfEdge
Default Value: 2
Candidate Fields: SideOfEdge, SOE
Field Name: CurbApproach
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: CurbApproach, SideOfStreet, SideApproach, CurbSide, Curb
Field Name: Status
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: FullEdge
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: FullEdge, IsFullEdge, BlockEntire
Field Name: BarrierType
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: BarrierType, BarType, BarrierTyp
Field Name: Attr_Meters
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: Attr_Meters, Meters
Class Name: PolylineBarriers
Field Name: Shape
Default Value:
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: Name, Label, Locations, Barrier, Description, Title
Field Name: Locations
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: Locations, LocRanges
Field Name: BarrierType
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: BarrierType, BarType, BarrierTyp
Field Name: Attr_Meters
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields: Attr_Meters, Meters
Class Name: PolygonBarriers
Field Name: Shape
Default Value:
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: Name, Label, Locations, Barrier, Description, Title
Field Name: Locations
Default Value:
Candidate Fields: Locations, LocRanges
Field Name: BarrierType
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: BarrierType, BarType, BarrierTyp
Field Name: Attr_Meters
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields: Attr_Meters, Meters
Network Dataset: RoadNetWork_ND

Network Attributes:

Usage Type: esriNAUTCost
Units: esriNAUMeters
Data Type: esriNADTDouble
Parameter Names:
Usage Type: esriNAUTRestriction
Units: esriNAUUnknown
Data Type: esriNADTBoolean
Parameter Names:
Usage Type: esriNAUTDescriptor
Units: esriNAUUnknown
Data Type: esriNADTInteger
Parameter Names:
Usage Type: esriNAUTRestriction
Units: esriNAUUnknown
Data Type: esriNADTBoolean
Parameter Names:
Network Sources:

Element Type: esriNETEdge
Source Type:esriNSTEdgeFeature
ID: 1

Element Type: esriNETJunction
Source Type:esriNSTSystemJunction
ID: 3

Element Type: esriNETTurn
Source Type:esriNSTTurnFeature
ID: 2

Supported Operations: Solve Route

i have attached gdb in Northkarachi.gdb.rar
for u testing
help me out what i m doing wrong
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10 Replies
Regular Contributor

From your previous message it looks like you have already gotten a valid route back from the server.

The only step is left is to make your Silverlight application send the same HTTP parameters to the server endpoint: use RouteTask, RouteParameters, and RouteResult classes from the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks namespace.
Here is a good sample how to use route endpoint in Silverlight:

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