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How to create feature classes for Network Dataset from Geocoded addresses

03-03-2011 06:18 AM
Emerging Contributor
Please forgive all of the questions but I am new to ArcGIS.  I have been going through the help and the tutorials and I thought I was getting it but I hit another brick wall.   All I am trying to do (which should be very simple) is just take a list of addresses (patients) and figure out how far they are from a single given address (hospital).  So far, I have geocoded the addresses into a map and exported them and make layers.  Then I created a feature dataset using the geocoded addresses by using the IMPORT button.  I thought I was finally getting it.    I went into ArcCatalog and tried to create a new Network Dataset and I got the error message:

???There are no feature classes in the network container (I am guessing that is the same as the Feature Dataset) that can be added as feature sources.???

There is one other bit of information that I feel I need to provide and it is probably the cause of my problem.  I transformed  and projected the coordinate system from WGS_1984_1 to NAD_1983_NSR2007. I did this so that when I would calculate the line-of-sight/as-the-crow-flies distance it would come out in miles.

So, my basic question is "How do I create feature classes from Geocoded addresses that can be used to create a Network Dataset and used in Network Analyst?"

I will be searching the forums but any help would be appreciated.
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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
You need two things:
1. You need a road network on which to compute the network distancea and
2. You need locations from where to compute the distances.

Looks like you have 2. You can start with addresses, geocode them and turn them
into a feature class. You do not need to build them into a network dataset, etc.

So what you need is 1. a network dataset. A free one comes with ArcGIS. It is called
StreetMap and you may have to install it from your data and maps dvd/cd

Once you have that, add the streets to ArcMap, turn on the NA extension and add the NA toolbar. Add your locations (feature class) to ArcMap, Create a CF or OD layer from the NA toolbar and use that to comptue the one to many routes or distances as needed.

Jay Sandhu
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Emerging Contributor

Thank you very much for your help.  I will have to check with the main person for our GIS to see if he has the Data and Maps CD.  I do have a couple of more questions though. Is the OD layer the "origin�??destination (OD) cost matrix network analysis layer"?   Secondly I have checked with help and I can not find anything on the CF layer?  Can you please point me in the right direction? 

After I do this, will I be able to do this in a sort of a batch mode, where I could calculate this for hundreds of addresses to 1 address and end up with a table with the starting address, the ending address and the distance?

Thank you,

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Esri Regular Contributor
CF is the Closest Facility solver and OD is the Origin Destination Matrix solver.

They are very simillar. The difference is that the CF will also return the geometry of the shortest path in addition to the network distances. OD only returns the network distances. That way OD can run faster on large data as it has to do less work on book keeping the resulting shortest paths.

You can read about them more at:
Closest Facility:

Origin-Destination Cost Matrix:

Jay Sandhu
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Emerging Contributor

Thanks again.  It looks like the OD is the way for me to go, at least for now.
I should be getting the Maps and Data CD tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to figure it out after that.

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Emerging Contributor
I have made progress.

I did the following

1. I opened the basemap
2. I Added (via file add data) the streets network dataset
3. I added (via file add data) the locations which were feature classes
(so far all looks good)
4. I started a new OD cost matrix
5. In the Network Analyst window I added the origin and the destination via both Load locations and geocoding.
6. I pressed solve.

The table only showed the time and not the distance.  What am I doing wrong?  How do I correct this?   I need to see the driving miles.

PS I have configured Network Analyst to use an address locator.
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Emerging Contributor

I will write up instructions on how I did all of this so that hopefully someone else in the future may benefit.

Thanks to all who help.
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