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finding the distance between two address along network

11-20-2010 03:15 PM
Deactivated User

I am having a pair of lat/longs around 50k rows.  I want to know the route distance between these start and end lat/long.

I have NA extension and NA dataset.  I am able to do route problem manually.

I want to know how to batch work for 50k rows ?  any idea or any vba code for this ? 

I need only the route distance..

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
You can create one Route Analysis Layer and load all your 50K rows and solve.
To do this, make sure you have an ID on each row, say a number from 1 to 50k.
Load your first lat/long pairs and map the ID as the RouteName as Stops
Then load your second lat/long pairs mapping the same ID as the RouteName.
Now you will see 50k distinct route pairs in a single route analysis layer.
Solve. You will get 50k paths and you can export out the data as needed.
Jay sandhu
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Deactivated User

Could you some more steps on this "Load your first lat/long pairs and map the ID as the RouteName as Stops Then load your second lat/long pairs mapping the same ID as the RouteName. "...
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Esri Regular Contributor
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Deactivated User
Thanks. Jay Sandhu
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