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Can network analyst actually do anything, instead of just trace?

12-11-2011 11:34 AM
Emerging Contributor
After some lengthy manipulations I've managed to establish a pretty neat network using Network Analyst for ArcGIS 10.0.

I do have some issues though, mainly,

The outpoint I established from each basin is not always recognized when using network solvers. Even though I got my arrows to work, pointing towards to the outpoint location of each basin, when I place a flag on an outpoint and select Trace Upstream some outpoints will only select themselves. However, when I click on a nearby network_junction the trace works fine. Any suggestions on this? Also, do I manually have to flag every point I want to perform a task on?

The other issue is can this network actually do anything aside from just trace?
I have a number of polygon basins that I am trying to connect with each other so that the value of one basin upstream is added to the one downstream until it reaches a final discharge point. The end goal is to have each basin symbolized by this value.  I've spent days and days getting this network and I am worried that it might have been all in vain!

Any suggestions here? I would assume there is some way where each basin's outpoint value can obtain values from upstream outpoint, which then could be joined to that outpoints area.
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Esri Regular Contributor

Can network analyst actually do anything, instead of just trace?

Network Analyst can do a lot of things BUT it does not perform trace. You have this forum, dedicated to the Network Analyst extension, confused with geometric network and utility network analysis such as trace. Try posting your question in the geodatabase forums and you may get a better response.

Jay Sandhu
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